02|Girls Night In

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Around lunch time again the next day, I found a second note in my locker 'another one really?' I think to myself. Making my way out to the courtyard for the second time this week. 'This has to be a joke' I think before I open the note.

'To My Gracie

You don't know that I like you.
You don't about the million times i look at you.
You don't know how my eyes sparkle when I hear your name.
You don't know how my heart races when you walk by me.
Though all I can do is act like I don't know you.

love, Anonymous'

'Why is this happening, do they want me to catch feelings' my thought are cut off by the door next to me being pushed open and someone yelling my name.

"Grace are you out here!" Layla askes, looking for me probably since I didn't meet them in our spot.

Turning to face the door and standing there, are Jade and Layla.

"Hey Gracie, what are you doing up here" the small blond says.

"What was that" Jade basically demands. 'Oh no she saw.'

"What was what" mentally scolding myself for using the worst excuse ever 'wow, great save Grace'

"The thing that you shoved into your pocket." jade says, making her way over.

"Wow your hair is so shiny today, jade" I say trying and failing to change the subject.

"Please show us." Layla begs taking a seat on the right of me.

"Ok..." I say as I pull out the letter then saying, "its honestly nothing it's just some kind of joke-"

Jade snatches out of my hand reading it with Layla over her shoulder.

"Looks like you have a secret admirer." Jade says teasing you.

"No, it's just a joke." I say looking down feeling a sense of disappointment when I say that.

"Girl this is not a joke no one could write something so romantic as a joke." Layla says reading it again.

"No, it's just a joke it can't be true" I say starting to doubt myself 'what if it's not a joke, and someone really likes me.'  I think starting to blush lightly.

"Who do you think it is?" Layla says swinging her curly short hair over her shoulder.

"What if its-" blocking them both out, thinking 'what if it's not a joke, could someone like me like that, I mean it sounded genuine.' shaking my head shutting it down as soon as it appeared.

Though my thoughts were interrupted by Layla grabbing me "Hey grace do you wanna come over to my house this Saturday for a hang out, it's sort of going to be a big thing" Layla asked.

"Yea I would love too" I said as the bell rang above us.

"Great I'm going to. ok well let's go the bell just rang." Jade says getting up and grabbing her bags.

"Ok coming" I say getting up as me and jade were rushing to get to our next class.

"Finally school is over for the week' I think getting up and packing my stuff up.

"Hey, you wanna come over to Layla's house today for a sleepover tonight. we can swim and talk about it some more then." jade says leaning to me and hands me the letter.

"sure" I say taking is and standing up.

*After school*

"Omg that's the second letter" Layla says going through her ginormous swimsuit collection for me and jade.

"So where is this letter from mystery boy" Jade yells hitting my side playfully.

"In my backpa- HEY!" I say as Layla goes through my backpack, finding the first letter and opening it.

"Wow just wow, Gracie this is soo romantic" Layla says swooning is a spin.

"Guys come on this is so fake" I say looking down 'why am I disappointed, I mean I'm so ok with being single' I think still feeling the disappointment.

"What do you mean, this is every girl's dream" Layla says holding up a pink triangle top bathing suit for me.

"that's cute" I say, as she tosses it to me.

"Grace we must find out who is so madly in love with you" Jade says with a smirk, changing into a black bathing suit with gold detailing. the swimsuit hugging her round hips, and the gold of the swimsuit going gorgeously with her dark complexion.

"Guys can we please just go swim, watch a movie and maybe make like some cookies or something" I say pulling up the pink bottoms Layla handed me.

"Ok we'll stop" Layla says holding her hands up in surrender, walking outside her room.

"Jadie, could you make those delicious chocolate fudge muffins tomorrow for breakfast." Layla says with actual heart eyes, pulling out a white swimsuit for herself. As much as jade won't admit to it, she is the best baker in the whole wide world.

"I would need to make them tonight." Jade says knowing that won't be a problem.

"Ok! that's perfect" Layla says clapping her hands and jumping up and down.

"I can't wait, you are the best baker " I say walking to the kitchen, leaving Layla to change on her own, knowing that she likes some privacy when she changes.

"Am not" Jade says pulling her dark curls into a bun leaving her bangs out though I can see the small blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Well, what going on in your lives" I say turning to Layla sitting on her kitchen stool, in a white one piece as she looks past me to Jade. Layla has always been a modest girl, not comfortable with showing a lot of skin and favoring staying in over parting.

"Tell her" Jade says with no room for any argument.

"Tell me what?" I say turning, my head between the two.

"ok ok, well I have been talking to this guy and he sort of is coming to the hang out thing tomorrow night" Layla says blushing hard.

"Oh my god, you have a handsome mans yourself, what his name" I say teasing and poking her.

"it's Sam on the football team" she says scratching her thigh.

And for the rest of the night those letters and this "anonymous boy" never left my mind.


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XOXO Nepttune~

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