05|Woke up with Him in Bed

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I wake up with my head buried on a hard surface that is definitely not my pillow. 

I lift my body up to investigate what is my bed, as I blink my eyes open to see Jax sleeping peacefully, in my bed! my body stiffens, eyes widening slightly 'how did we end up in my bed' I think in a panic. 

then, because I guess the universe is against me today, I hear my mom yell "Gracie come down for breakfast."

I smack Jax's chest in an attempt to wake him up and jump out of bed to make it seem like there is not a really hot football player in my bed.

I look back at Jax who is still asleep 'how is he asleep at a time like this' I think, full panic mode activated. 

"What's happening" Jax says with a groan sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"What's happening is my mom is about to come into my room and see a Boy in my bed." I whisper yell to wake Jax up faster and kick him out without getting caught.

"Gracie!" my mother yells again, and before I am able to hide Jax somewhere, my door is thrown open. Instead, it's not my mom staring at me behind my door, with a my-daughter-is -going-to-be- a-teen-mom kind of look. 

The two people are behind my door are somehow even worse, my twin sisters

"Hey girls" the stupid, dumb boy says from my bed. 

"Shut up" I snap at him.

"Girls. Out. Now." I say rushing with my words hoping they didn't even notice Jax.

"Grace who is in your bed" Skylar ask, Skylar is the airhead one out of the two, but Emma makes up for them both.

"Yeah, Grace who is in your bed. whoa is it a boyyy" Emma teases dragging the word boy out.

"Emma, Skylar. Get. Out." I say hoping she hasn't got any ideas, to get back at me for making her do my dishes for me.

"oooOo Grace has a boyfriend" Skylar sing songs, while entering my room and walking towards Jax.

"No, he is just a friend having an um..  slumber party now get out."

oh, does mom know about this slumber party" Emma says and I swear there is a glint in her eyes telling me that I am in trouble.

"Girls please out." I say looking back at Skylar who is sitting with Jax talking up a storm.

"ok we will leave..." she says drawing her finger around my door.

"What do you want Emma" I groan out getting what She's hinting at.

"Me and Skylar's, chores, every one of them, for 2... no 3 weeks" Emma says.

"Ugh fine now out" I say pointing out to the hallway to prove my point.

"Wonderful now, come on sky let's leave the two love birds alone" Emma says tuning the tips of my ears red. 

"Yea to uh... kiss and stuff" Skylar says. 

as the door closes and the girls are far enough, I turn to Jax and say "I'm so sorry about my sisters they are complete jerks, well Emma is, Skylar can be a sweetheart but goes along with whatever Emma does" I ramble on.

"it's cool I basically grew up an only child with my brother already moved out from the time i can remember. so, I always begged for little sibling to play with."  

"Grace lets go you're going to be late" Mom says pulling me back into reality.

"Ah Jax you have to go, I can't get caught with a boy, my mom would kill me." Jax chuckles before getting out of bed.

"Ok I'm going to jump out of the window." Jax says getting on his knees and pulling at my window. 

"Jump, this is the second floor!" I say horrified.

"Uh yes, how else do you suggest I escape." Jax says nonchalantly.

"Ugh fine just don't get caught."

'You got it baby" he winks, before he jumps. 'He winked at me!? omg omg  I'm red, my palms are sweaty, and my heart is racing.

but of course, before I can really think about it, my mom calls again "GRACE HALLIE DUNCAN" and I am shaken from my state.


I get called to Mr. jones desk after class.

"Have you come to a decision" Mr. Jones asks.

oh, right that tutoring thing 

 "Oh, um yeah Mr. Jones I can do it." I say making a very last minute decision.

"Oh, that's great Ms. Duncan, he will need help in math, and you really are the best choice. You can just meet him in the library after school, he will be waiting for you there" Mr. jones says, his voice filled with relived, and I hope I don't let him down.

After agreeing on where and when I will meet this boy, I leave math class and walk up to my locker just standing there not wanting to find another note, when Jade walks up to me.

"Just open it" Jade says.

"No, I don't want to, it has to be a joke." 

"Grace why would you think that" jade asks like she doesn't know.

"I mean who would like me when there is girl like you and Layla out there"? 

Grace you are so pretty, and any guy would be lucky to even breath the same air as you" jade says while grabs my face and wipes the tears I didn't even know I had shed.

Jade reaches out for the locker and opens it and guess what falls out... another dumb note. Jade bends down grabs it and drags me to the bathroom.

"I'm going to read it to you."

"Ok" you said sitting on the floor. head tucked away into your knees.

'Dear Gracie

I want you Gracie
I want you more than you will ever know
I want to hold your hand
I want to take care of you
I want to hold you and for you to hold me back
I want t
o be the reason you smile
But most importantly I want you love me

love, anonymous'

I know it's the end of the letter when i hear jade folding the letter back up.

"Ok come on let's go get you lunch." jade says pulling me up and into a hug.


All of the poems are from Pinterest Lol

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XOXO Nepttune~

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