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Some time has passed and Amber have adjusted to life in the ministry with few hiccups, but for Eros and Ozzie, things weren't going as planned with them. Not only did they get lost multiple times but the routines and rules were hard for the two to adjust to. They still don't understand why they have to wear those stupid helmets, but Eros' crow-like mind, or the autism, seemed to be attracted to the shiny silver metallic of the mask from the previous era. "Ozzie look!" The shorter ghoul busted into the room with two silver masks in hand. "Aren't they pretty?!" Handing one of the masks over. "Hm, better than that hunk of leather they gave us."Ozzie shrugged looking at the mask then turned looking out the window at the garden below.

"Wait, where did you get these?" The curls on Ozzie's head bounced as he turned around to face Eros, who was sitting on the floor looking at his reflection in the mask "Remember that one day that you were sleeping under the bed? Well, a water ghoul named Rain came to check on us." Eros puts the mask on finally "and he saw me in the corner so he talked me into following him so he could show me around the ministry again, but only this time he led me to another room, and it had artifacts from their previous eras like masks and instruments and the previous papas and ghouls, and then we got the era before this one when papa was cardinal and the ghouls were wearing these silver masks, I think the era was called 'Prequelle'? I don't remember, but Rain saw that I liked them and he offered to give me his since he was one of the ghouls from that era" Eros took a deep breath trying to catch it after his rambling. "Wow. Uhm, okay, let's calm down Eros, I know you're excited but I have one more question, where did you get the second one? Rain couldn't have had two masks" Eros takes his mask off and sets it next to him on the floor "Rain asked the earth ghoul Mountain if he'd like to give his mask to you and he agreed so now both of us have one!" Eros bounced around happily.

"There's another earth ghoul here?" Asmodeus questioned as his tail swayed happily. "And two quintessence ghouls," Eros added slowly watching how Ozzie backed up and his tail curled around his leg. "Would you like to meet them? We can't keep pushing ourselves away from the ghouls." Giving a tiny smile to the larger ghoul who now turned around and hugged themselves.

"Can I meet the Earth ghoul? I'm not ready to meet quintessence ghouls." Ozzie mumbled. "I'll ask Rain to bring him here...you know the two quintessence ghouls aren't like the ones in the pit. They're goofy; one is mated to a sister of sin." Eros explained walking over to them, placing a hand on his shoulder "What about the other one?" The lust ghoul flinched at the touch. "Rain says he knows who his mate is." The taller ghoul nodded and let out a sigh. "Sorry." The apology fell from his lips automatically.

"Don't apologize, we both have reasons to be skeptical of quintessence ghouls." They stood in comfortable silence for a while. "Can we go outside?" Ozzie asks, breaking the silence as they slide the mask on. "Yeah, let's go out." Eros and Ozzie made their way through the ministry halls and out an archway that led to the garden. The taller ghoul broke free from Eros and ran straight for the grass deciding to lay down and roll around. "Nature!" he giggled pawing at the grass and his tail thumping against the ground.

As the multi-ghoul rolled around in the gardens enjoying nature he didn't notice his friend take off back to the archway. "Rain! Mountain!" Eros calls out when he sees the two, he runs up to Rain but stops abruptly a few feet in front of him, wrapping his tail around his ankle, still a little nervous around the other ghouls "Hi Eros" Rain greets him with a soft smile "I see you've got the mask on, you like it?" Eros nods his head as his demeanor changes to a more relaxed one "Where's Ozzie?" Mountain asks as he scans the field for him "Huh?" Both Rain and Eros look around the field for Ozzie as well, Eros speaks up "They were just here in the grass where could they have gone?"

The three of them walk around the garden looking for Ozzie until they get to the greenhouse. They search under tables and chairs, and behind stacks of bags of potting soil, Mountain looks under a tarp that's been thrown over a chair and finds Ozzie playing with a bug, Mountain stares down at him for a moment as a slight but unnoticeable blush creeps up his face, his heart skipping a beat, Ozzie looks up and flinches, eyes slightly wide "...I found him!" Mountain finally calls out to Rain and Eros, Ozzie stares up at Mountain timidly.

"Eros!" the cowering lust ghoul backed himself under the desk that was in the greenhouse, Mountain crouched down to the ground and held his hand out towards Ozzie under the desk, careful not to get too close to him "Hey, it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt ya, Asmodeus or Ozzie, right?" Ozzie nods, still trying to back away from Mountain. A light glow of green caught Ozzie's eye as he watched Mountain grow flowers in his hand. A sweet pea, jasmine, and a tulip. "Why these three?" Ozzie crawled out from where he was looking at the flowers that now sat in Mountain's hand.

"Just made them, no reason in particular." He brings his hand closer to Ozzie, they reach out to touch the tulip but hesitate and look back up at Mountain "It's okay, you can do it." He says reassuringly while tilting his head to the left, Ozzie gently touches the petal of the tulip and smiles, he comes out from under the desk and sits in front of Mountain on the ground, their demeanor has completely changed and he seems to be trusting Mountain "Can you make more?" He asks, Mountain nods and holds out his hand next to his other, and more flowers emerge from the other, a rose, hydrangea, and a bellflower, Ozzie's eyes light up at the new flowers and the now formed small bouquet in Mountain's hands, they bring their hands to Mountain's and he places them under the heads of the flowers, feeling the textures of their petals and leaves, he brings the tops of his hands to Mountains palms, Mountains thumbs gently stroke the sides of Ozzie's hands, they both smile at each other.

Rain and Eros watch the scene unfolding in front of them silently, not wanting to interrupt. "Ozzie" Eros finally whispers to him, he looks over without any fear or nervousness in his eyes, telling Eros he feels comfortable with Mountain and he decides to leave the two alone to do their own thing, Rain and Eros leave the greenhouse off to do something else on their own together.

𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐮𝐬 || The Nameless GhoulsWhere stories live. Discover now