Tooth fairy

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(HC- Rain has shark features, but when he's more deeply unglamored he has shark teeth that fall out often, once a week an actual shark would. Oh yeah he knows a little bit of ASL that Eros taught him for when he goes nonverbal - from ghoulie)
Eros had been wanting to see what Rain looked like when he was more unglamored than he usually would be for a while now and Rain had finally given in to his mates begging

"Woahhh you look so cool Rain!" Eros giggles and bounces happily around Rain taking in his new appearance, shark-like tail, more prominent gills, webbed fingers, slightly bluer skin, and fin like ears.

"Look at him Plushia isn't he so cool?!" Eros looks over to Plushia sitting on the bed, talking to the inanimate toy.

"..." Plushia's silence seems enthusiastic, he falls over with a quiet 'thud' on the pillows.

"Open your mouth Rain I wanna see something" Eros says standing on his tip-toes in front of Rain, reaching up to his face trying to see better

"Minnow calm down" Rain laughs softly taking Eros' hands and bringing them together between their bodies, Eros' tail wagging excitedly making the piercings on his spade jingle a bit

"Now can I see?" Eros asks looking up at Rain with a giddy smile, Rain nods his head opening his mouth for Eros, his face lighting up in amazement seeing that Rain had sharp teeth like a shark.

"Yous got shark teeth Rainy" he giggles and brings his hand up to Rains mouth wanting to touch his teeth, Rain playfully bites down quickly before Eros' finger reaches his mouth, Eros half screams quickly and laughs bringing his hand back to his chest

"Almost got you minnow" Rain laughs and hugs Eros tightly, tickling his ribs a bit bringing out a high pitched squeal from Eros

"Rossyyyy!" Ozzie calls as he walks into Eros and Rain's room, stopping in his tracks when he sees Rain

"Ozzie look Rains a shark!" Eros giggles out as he tries to escape Rain's embrace, he eventually lets go of Eros kissing his forehead before he does

"SHARK SHARK SHARK!" Ozzie runs to Rain and tackles him to the ground out of excitement

"Ah Satanas! Ozzie cut it out! Minnow, help me!" Rain laughs as Ozzie pokes and prods at Rains body observing all of his shark features

"Ozzie get off of him!" Eros strains as he pulls Ozzie off of Rain

"Nooo sharkkkk!" Ozzie whines as he sits on the floor defeatedly and crossing his arms, Rain sits up and a tooth falls out of his mouth onto the floor

"Rain! Oh my gosh are you okay?" Eros panics at the sight of his tooth on the floor and quickly checks over Rain for any injuries, Ozzie quietly and quickly snatches the tooth and runs off giggling to show Mountain and Phantom

"I'm fine baby don't worry" Rain reassures Eros and kisses him, Eros still looks at Rain worriedly

"But you lost a tooth, are you sure you're okay?" Eros' tail taps the floor anxiously

"Yes I'm sure minnow, it's just something that happens when I'm this unglamored, sharks lose teeth often but they're replaced with a new one shortly after, see?" Rain opens his mouth again and shows a new tooth in place of the old one that was just lost, Eros sighs and puts his forehead on Rains shoulder, Rain chuckles and gently grabs Eros' horn, using it to lightly shake his head teasingly

"But thank you for checking on me and making sure I'm okay, I love you minnow" Rain pats Eros' head once and he stands the both of them up

"I love you too Rain. Can you stay like that for a while? I like it a lot" Eros asks wrapping his tail around his ankle

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