Asmodues's catacombs

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Picking up the multighoul who was now passed out in Mountain's arms. "Is Rain going to be able to heal this?" Phantom asked struggling to hold up the larger ghoul only to be passed back to Mountain as they made their way back to the den. Murmurs and soft growls went around the den as they waited along the multiple couches in the den as they watched rain rub on the saliva and mucus mix onto Ozzie's wing. The occasional pained whimper passed through the unconscious ghoul's mouth. "I don't know if my salve is going to fix his wing but he has to apply it biweekly to know for sure." The Water ghoul spoke up after bandaging the wing and closing the jars.

The door swung open to reveal Copia with a pissed-off look etched onto his face. "How is the little starlet? Still out?" He spoke looking over to the ghouls who nodded and pointed at the ghoul who lay on his stomach with his hurt wing now tucked against his back. Copia sighed and shook his head before walking over to the ghoul and stroking his head gently. He whispered a few words of comfort before walking over to the door, ready to leave the room. "Sister says she forgot that she gave me permission to summon more ghouls which I doubt she forgot. But she says just like all of you the newly summoned have three strikes and are back in the pit." This information caused loud rumbling growls to come from the mated pairs that grabbed their mates or looked towards their mates that lay unconscious. "I'll leave you my ghouls if the little bat wakes up let me know." Copia opened the door walking out leaving his ghouls with his thoughts.

—timeskip the next week

The ghouls had been checking on the lust ghoul that lay in the same position. Still knocked out from Aether's magic. The shifts were divided amongst the ghouls and their mates but it was mostly Eros and Amber that stayed not leaving the ghoul as he hadn't left them when they needed him the most.

A groan came from the lust ghoul as they opened their eyes and sat up with the weight of their wings on his back. Going to stretch them out he hissed in pain tucking the one wing to his back leaving the other wing outstretched. Looking around the den confused eyes landed on his pack mates cuddled in a corner with blankets.

Carefully getting up and slinking out the door shutting it softly and out of the den reaching a hand up to make sure the mask was still on I made my way through the halls making sure to remember how to get back to the den. He came upon a door that led beneath the basement unsure of if he should go in but who would pass up adventure? Pushing the door open and walking down some stairs the ground leveled out and was flat. Opening a clawed palm a purple ball of star dust sat in his hand before throwing it in the air to use as light.

"Oh, this will do nicely," Ozzie spoke to himself with a smirk on his face as he took a last look around the place he now knew were catacombs he walked back up the stairs and scratched the door sealing it with his magic. The sounds of hushed talking were getting louder following the hushed whispers and giggles Ozzie came upon Sisters of Sin. "Hello sisters you all look ravishing today." Now standing to his full height loincloth sat low on his hips just right showing off the womb tattoo of the lust ghoul fangs glinting in the light with a deceiving smile but handsome nonetheless.

"Thank you...which ghoul are you we've met Amber already?" The one on the left spoke. Green eyes slowly looked towards them like a predator would look at their prey. "Asmodeus sweetheart at your service for anything." The multighoul took her hand and placed a kiss to her knuckles causing her to blush and giggle. "Would you please show me to Papa's office I'm afraid I don't know how to get there from here." The lie rolled off Ozzie's tongue smoothly and so casually but after all it was in his nature as a ghoul.

"Sure thing it's just up these stairs around the corner third door on the right." They explained as they started walking trying to keep up with the taller ghoul eager to at least know the ghoul. "Why do you need to see Papa Asmodeus?"One of the three sisters asked. "To let him know I'm awake and to speak on important matters." He purred tail swaying behind him. "Awake? You've been asleep?" The ghoul hummed and nodded. "Sister Imperator broke my wing on accident I was put into a magic coma by Aether so I could heal." He fibbed half the story as the sisters gasped grasping the ghoul turning him around and looking at the bandaged appendage. "You poor thing does it bother you much." One asked lightly touching the bandage then looked up at you. "Are you offering to take care of me?" Green eyes had now turned a deep magenta and his forked tongue peeking out of his mouth.


Author's note: Hope you guys enjoyed Ozzie's update and now you see the traits of his lust ghoul side. - ozzie's creator

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