Broken wing

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(Author's note: will proof read later. I'm tired and just got off of work. -Ozzie's creator)

It was still dark out the light from the moon in the sky. Ozzie stirred in his sleep slowly waking up head feeling fuzzy as tears welled up. Climbing out the bed on shaky legs looking back at a sleeping Phantom before slipping out the door wander the halls of the ministry. "Rossy." The multi ghoul called out in a whisper looking for Eros throughout the halls, tears falling down their gray cheeks. 

Seeing a door cracked open light coming from the room. Peeking through the door and looking around noticing it was the kitchen.

Green eyes landed on the plate of cookies on the table. Pushing the door opened Ozzie walked in and over to the table suckling on the spade of his tail for comfort. Once at the table, he took a cookie dropping his tail from his lips causing his tail to sway and hit the blender.

The loud sounds from the machine made him drop his cookie and curl up under the table covering his ears as his tears once again streamed down his face. The blender was shut off and the sounds of whimpers and quiet sobs filled the room. "Hi, Ozzie." The ghoulette greeted looking under the table at the crying ghoul. "I turned it off and can you come to me." Crawling from underneath the table Cirrus sat in front of the ghoul whose tail made its way to his mouth. "What happened baby bat?"  Cirrus asked, taking the spade of his tail from his mouth.

"No finds Rossy and thingy made noise and hurt ears," Ozzie mumbled crawling between Cirrus' legs, head resting against her chest. "It's okay, do you wanna come with me until the others wake up?" She asked, stroking the overgrown shaved side of his head.  Ozzie nodded and Cirrus helped him up and walked to the ghouls' den. She sat down on the couch and placed him in her lap, rubbing his back and humming a comforting song. Ozzie fell asleep in her embrace, content and safe.

Hours passed and the sun peeked through the small window in the den. It was probably almost dinner time having slept throughout the day. The sound of feet running through the halls and the door to the den was thrown open waking up the two. Head lifted up and looked over to the door. where a relieved-looking Mountain and Phantom stood. "Ant!" The multighoul climbed off the couch and off Cirrus who waved Mountain over. Once Ozzie reached Phantom the quintessence ghoul hugged the ghoul.

"Don't run off like that starlight." Pulling away from the hug. "I'm sowwy I was lookings for Rossy and no finds him but Cirri finds me!" Ozzie explained trying not to stutter through his words. "Mounty has a surprise for you little star." Pushing the curls from his forehead placing a kiss next to the star-shaped mole on his head.

"No." the ghoul crossed his arms and turned away from Phantom. "Is this because he left you little bat?"  Phantom's voice was soft and gentle as he spoke. Ozzie looked up at him and nodded. Phantom reached down and hugged Ozzie tightly. "It's okay Ozzie, he wants to apologize to you and give you something." The quintessence ghoul made a ball of tiny stars in his hand passing it to Ozzie as it turned into stardust. "Otays." The ghoul made his way to Mountain pulling on his shirt and making him look down at him. "Ant say you wan talks." He mumbled trying not to let his lisp be more apparent. The earth ghoul bent down and pulled out stargazer lilies with seashells and a shark plushie. "I'm sorry I left you sapling. I won't leave you again." Green eyes trained on the shark plushie not leaving it. "Otay mounty." The multi-ghoul reached for the stuffed shark but looked at Mountain to see if it was okay. Giving the regressed ghoul the shark plush he squealed and hugged the plush. "Can I shows Rossy?" The green-eyed ghoul was slightly jumping while squishing the poor shark plush.  "Go down the hall, it's the blue door with shells on it." Mountain nodded and placed a kiss on Ozzie's horns before the ghoul took off out the door and to where Rossy was supposed to be. Seeing the door Mountain told him about, he pushed it open to see Rossy and Rain. But rain looked like the plush Ozzie now held in his arms. "Rossyyyy!" The ghoul called out as he pushed his way into the room, tail now wrapped around his leg and a tight grip on the shark plushie. The glint of Rain's now sharp shark-like teeth caught Ozzie's eye as he ran and pounced on the ghoul ignoring whatever came out of Eros's mouth. "SHARK!" Ozzie was trying to get a better look at Rain and comparing him to his plush when Eros pulled him off. "Ozzie get off of him!" Eros strained out, finally getting Ozzie off. "Nooo Shark!!" Ozzie whined as his pointed ears drooped a bit, tears of frustration in his eyes rubbing his arms from the grip Eros had on him. Noticing the shark tooth that was on the floor Ozzie picked it up and left the room with the tooth from Rain and the shark plush as he whipped tears from his eyes. "Petite étoile, why are you crying?" Ozzie looked to see Swiss and Aurora. "Saw Rossy and Rain! Rain is sharky and I wan to see betters and rossy pulled me off. Now my arm hurts. But I gots a toof!"As Ozzie spoke his lisp started to show more as he held up a large shark tooth.

"That's a pretty tooth bub let's get you to Mountain and Phantom so they can ice your arm." Swiss smiled at the ghoul taking his hand and walking him back to Mountain and Phantom who were sitting down at the table as Cumulus brought out plates.  Mountain and Phantom were surprised to see Ozzie, and Swiss quickly explained the situation. Mountain and Phantom gave Ozzie a sympathetic look as they got up and came over to him. Mountain and Phantom helped Ozzie to the table and started to bandage his arm. "Now sapling you can't jump on others so please make sure you apologize and then I'll make your tooth a necklace." Mountain scolded as the lust ghoul looked down at his lap with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry I just wanted to see the shark." Phantom hugged the ghoul, placing a kiss on his forehead. "I know baby but apologize to Rain and i'll see if he'll let you compare him to your shark plush." Nodding the ghoul nuzzled into Phantom softly glaring at Mountain sticking out his forked tongue at the Earth ghoul who shook his head with a smile.

As the night continued Ozzie apologized to Rain for jumping on him. Everyone was asleep besides the quintessence ghouls including the multi ghoul who had snuck into Rain's room and climbed the walls quietly accidentally thumping his tail on the ceiling as he now was looking over Rain and Eros.

"Ozzie what in the world are you doing up there?!" Tilting his head at the water ghoul as the eerily green eyes wandered to the pillow. " I not doings anythings Rain." Crawling down the wall jumping onto the bed lifting up the pillows searching for another tooth. "Ozzie careful you'll wake Eros up...Here you little tooth fairy." There laid the tooth in Rain's outstretched hand. Swiping the tooth and turning away to leave only to be sat back down facing Rain who had a stern look on his face.

Can you at least say 'Thank you' and apologize for coming into our room unannounced?" Rain whispered and poked Ozzie's tummy before holding them in place by their arms. "Thank you and I sowwy for coming in suddenly, I jus wanted nother toof, now can I leave?" Tail now between his mouth suckling on it. Rain pulled the tail from Ozzie's mouth and nodded.

The ghoul scrambled out turning into a bat halfway to the door flying between the opening of the cracked door. As Ozzie flew around the halls that now seemed a little darker than his eyes were used to. Fear creeped into his body as he clapped his wings faster before he was knocked out of the air with a broom and shortly picked up by the wing. A small pain chirp came from the small bat.

"Now correct me if I'm wrong but I thought I told you quintessence ghouls to not fly in my ministry." The woman sneered and twisted the wing hard enough breaking the bones causing Ozzie to change back and fell to the ground with a thud as one wing curled around him and the other lay broken as pained screams filled the hallway. Footsteps could be heard coming from both sides of the hallways. "Piccolo cuore we'll fix your wing." The voice was familiar; it was the man with the painted face. "Sister, is there a reason you hurt this ghoul?" The energy that Copia was giving off made you flinch. A larger hand ran across Ozzie's cheek and the other reached towards his wing to numb the pain. "Asmodeus I'm gonna numb it but I have to touch your wing so lean into Mountain okay." Ozzie blinked through the tears and leaned into mountain realizing this was another quintessence ghoul.

Arguing in the back between Copia and Sister imperator was getting louder as Ozzie tried to get out of Mountain's grip once Aether touched Ozzie's wing. Catching a glimpse of Phantom who looked beyond pissed he yelped and reached with his free arm. "Ant please make them stop!" Sobs shook the multighouls body as he cried for help from his other mate who now looked sad tears welling in violet eyes that looked at ghoul. "Just a little longer Petite étoile then it's over and we'll ask Rain to heal it later." It took mountain and Swiss to hold down the thrashing multighoul so aether could numb the pain. After minutes of thrashing the Aether's magic knocked Asmodeus out.

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