Chapter One: Unexpected

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A/N: Okay so as I have said before, this is my first fanfiction, so bear with me here. As of right now, the entire story will be from Dean's POV, but that might change once or twice and if it does I will tell you beforehand.

Dean trudged through the poorly-lit and odd smelling hallway, avoiding the mysterious liquid that was spewed along the floor. He had to travel across the entire high school between every class he had, and he hated it. He was always late and few of his teachers were understanding about it. If he had someone to travel with it wouldn't be so bad, but he hadn't made a good impression on the student body when his family had first moved here three years ago.

It was all that stupid girl Cassie's fault. She had convinced him that Amanda wouldn't mind if they made out and that she would never know in the first place. He was hesitant to cheat on Amanda like that, but Cassie had basically thrown him into that closet, and once she had started kissing him everything else had left his mind. He hadn't really been into Amanda anyways, and was planning on breaking up with her that Friday. Sadly, Amanda had found him in that closet, and things had not gone well. Needless to say they were no longer dating, and on top of that he had become an outcast.

Cassie and her constant reminder of how horrible Dean was had moved away at the end of that year. He had only known her one year, and yet she had managed to practically ruin his life at school. He only had this one year left, and then he was free. He had only been a senior for a month and, as expected, he still only had one friend. Her name was Lisa and for some reason she had decided to forgive him for the incident known as the "Freshman In A Closet." After the fact, Dean had learned, from Lisa, that the same thing happened every year. Same closet, same grade, same unhappy ending to a relationship.

Lisa was Dean's only friend, and had been since freshman year. He suspected that she only liked him because her sister was friends with his little brother, Sam. Sammy had had better fortune than him when they moved and was now one of the coolest kids in his grade. Dean was proud of him, how could he not be? Sam was his pride and joy, sometimes his only reason for being strong.

Dean sighed as the bell rang, he would be late to class yet again.

What else is new? He thought, Maybe something exciting will happen in English. HA! That will be the day, exciting English class!

Laughing, Dean trudged on to English, sure that his day would be same as it had been for three years.

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