Chapter Five: What The Hell Is Going On

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A/N: Ok so I know that I said that this entire thing was going to be from Dean's perspective, but after thinking about where the story was going I realized that it would make the story better if I switched POV every now and then. I will tell you people every time it changes, I promise. Have fun reading this and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ACTUALLY READING THIS ILY IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME AHHHH!!!!!

Castiel's POV

Castiel was extremely agitated. He had never really liked English classes, and this teacher was getting on his nerves. The whole "We're a pack" and "The wolf power comes from within" was making Castiel wish that the guy would just get eaten by his majestic wolves.

Castiel spaced off, thinking about how his morning had gone so far.

He had sat down in his new seat in math and was right behind this adorable kid with striking green eyes. He had been trying to think of a way to get the kid on a date when he had realized that this guy was totally into math. So he gave him a note, got him in trouble, learned that his name was Dean, and successfully got him to "study" with Castiel. Castiel sincerely hoped that there would not be a lot of studying going on that day.

Maybe some anatomy studying, but good God please no math.

Dean had offered to walk him to English and Castiel had agreed to the green-eyed gentleman. He did wonder why Dean had taken the back hallways instead of the faster main hallway to get to English. Castiel would have to ask Dean about that sometime. Maybe he could on their study date.

Emphasis on date I hope.

Castiel was jerked out of the memory by a voice saying his name.

"Castiel Novak can you please come to the front of the room?"

Castiel looked up to see his stupid English teacher excitedly beckoning him to the whiteboard. Groaning internally, Castiel slowly got up and walked to the front of the room. He had only been in the class for five minutes and he already hated it. All the teacher had done was go through the announcements and Castiel could already tell that he was going to be one of Castiel's least favorite people.

Castiel got to the front and turned around to face the class, he knew where this was going.

"So, Castiel, can I call you Cas?" Mr. Spencer began.

"No, I would prefer it if you didn't," Castiel sassed.

"Oh, well, okay, uhm," Mr. Spencer seemed like he didn't get the answer of 'no' very often. "Castiel, is there anything you want to tell the class about yourself?"

"Not really, I wasn't raised to encourage stalking," Castiel said with a smirk. He noticed Dean smile a little and decided to take advantage of his situation.

"Well, I would hardly call this stalking. We just want to get to know you! How about I just ask you some questions?" Mr. Spencer asked, but didn't give Castiel enough time to answer. "Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes, I have two brothers."

"Alright, do you have a favorite season?" Mr. Spencer seemed a bit excited that Castiel was playing along.

"Hmmmm, maybe season four because there was this totally new character who was super hot and-"

"No no no no, I meant season as in Spring, Summer..." Mr. Spencer trailed off. Castiel looked over and noticed Dean covering his mouth in an attempt not to laugh.

"In that case, I guess Spring would be my favorite."

"What's your favorite color, Castiel?"

Castiel looked over at Dean and winked. "I would say green," he said, watching a blush creep onto Dean's face. Castiel grinned.

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