Author's Note

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First off I would like to say that this is my first fanfiction I have written, so this may get interesting. Since I am new to Wattpad I don't expect anyone to be reading this yet, so please notify me in some way if you are reading this and you want me to continue, otherwise this fic might get neglected. I appreciate all feedback and if you come across a typo please let me know so I can fix it! Thank you so much and I love all of you! I hope you enjoy it!

As I said in the overview, I don't exactly know where this is going, so if necessary I will put trigger warnings in at both the beginning of the chapter and right before the scene happens in which the trigger may occur. If there is smut in this then I will put the warning right before it happens and right after it has ended, as I know some people don't really care for it and are bothered by it.

This story is my own, entirely and completely. I can't imagine someone stealing this because it probably won't be that good, but if it is, please tell me ASAP! It would be much appreciated.

While the story is my own, I did get a few ideas from other writers. If it is a specific detail or saying I will credit them at the end of the chapter, so don't freak out. I promise if anything I don't mention comes up, it was a coincidence and we both must have thought of it. I would not purposely steal someone's ideas from them. I would like to credit the writers and producers of Supernatural with character names, looks, and a few personality traits. I reference some of the episodes and scenes within those episodes throughout my story. These things are not my own, though the context they are in is my own. I would like to credit @starrycastiel for the idea of a possessive and more dominant Castiel, I hadn't thought about that before and I honestly really liked it. You should read some of their stuff because they are an AMAZING writer.


P.S. All of the pictures that I have included I included for a reason. So if you don't understand the connection or your just wondering what I was thinking, ask me! I am happy to answer any questions. (Except the ones from Dancerline )

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