Chapter Nine: Butterflies

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A/N: Alright you ready for this? I have ideas and motivation so this should be good. I'm excited are you? You should be. Also, shout out to twenty one pilots and tasmin feakes on YouTube for giving me music to stay awake and for creating a playlist of said songs for me to listen to, respectively.


For maybe the second time in his life, Castiel was nervous. He hadn't heard from Dean the entire weekend and today he was going to have to see him again. Castiel sighed, rolling over in his bed and looking at the clock. It was six in the morning and Castiel had barely slept. He yawned and got out of bed, heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day to come.


When he got back to his room, freshly washed and dressed, it was around 6:45. He checked his phone out of habit, it's not like he expected anyone from his old school to have texted him. To his surprise, there were three texts on his phone. The first was from Gabriel asking him to make breakfast and text him when it was ready. The second was from Charlie, telling him that she wanted to talk to him before school started. The third was from a number he didn't recognize.

Who is this?

Castiel racked his brain trying to think of who would be texting him without knowing that it was him. He sat there for a moment, then slapped his forehead. Castiel felt like an idiot.

Castiel is this who I think it is :)

Castiel grinned. His plan had worked after all. The nervousness he had felt was replaced with a more fluttery feeling. Castiel didn't understand what it was about Dean Winchester, but the guy had somehow caught his attention and Castiel couldn't get him off his mind, no matter how hard he tried.

Castiel, still smiling to himself, got up and went downstairs to make breakfast, yelling at Gabriel that he was a lazy fuck.

"Don't you think I'm aware of that, Asstiel? If I wasn't lazy then I would have gotten up and made breakfast myself. Alas, the burden falls to you due to my lack of energy to do literally anything," Gabriel said, slowly emerging from his room and trudging down the stairs.

"Yeah, anything except Sam," Castiel muttered to himself as he got out the stuff to make pancakes.

Gabriel plunked down at the table, only half-dressed for school. He was wearing a long sleeved army green shirt and bright blue penguin patterned pajama pants. Castiel raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.


Castiel sat the pancakes down in front of Gabriel, who had fallen asleep on the table. Smelling the food, he promptly woke up and grabbed a pancake, popping it into his mouth and proceeding to make moaning noises.

"Gabriel can you maybe not make those sounds? It's disturbing and weird."

"Oh, Cassie that's so funny because that's exactly what other people say about you! And shut up I'm complimenting your cooking. Why you're so good at making stuff I will never understand, but hey I'm not complaining."

Castiel rolled his eyes and started eating, Gabriel following suit. Soon Castiel was looking at the clock; it was almost time to leave for school. Gabriel noticed his glance and sighed. They got up, going their separate ways to finish getting ready for school.


"Gabriel hurry up! I swear it shouldn't take that long to put on pants!" There was thud and a muffled noise of pain from upstairs as Gabriel fell over trying to put on his jeans. Castiel sighed and checked his phone, seeing that he had missed a text.

Well I don't know who you're expecting, but this is Dean. Sorry I didn't text you earlier, but I literally just found your note this morning.

Castiel smiled. So Dean hadn't been avoiding him after all. That was nice to know. Castiel thought about what he could say back. He pictured Dean's face and that adorable blush he got whenever Castiel said something just slightly flirtatious. He decided to play it cool for now, not wanting to scare Dean off.

That explains the silence I was worried that you had been faking it on Friday glad to know that I haven't scared you off yet

Castiel looked it over, then hit sent. He really wanted this possible thing with Dean to become a real thing. He wanted people in the halls to know that they were an item, even if it was unofficial. Castiel sighed, wishing for that day to come quickly.

"Are you ever not on your phone? Geez Cassie it's like that thing is your lifeline. Teens these days."

Castiel looked up and smiled at Gabriel, who was in fact on his own phone checking his messages.

"Shut up Gabe, go get in the car. We are already running late and one of my friends wanted to meet with me before school," Castiel said as he slipped on his trench coat. The temperature was just starting to drop, despite it already being late November.

"Oh what friend? Could it be that hunk that I met on Friday? Or did you actually trick someone into being friends with you?" Gabriel asked as he tied his shoes. Castiel opened the door and replied as they left and locked up the house,

"The answer would be the latter, but I would not mind running into 'that hunk' this morning. His name is Dean by the way and don't think that I didn't notice the eyes you were making at his brother. You aren't immune from the Winchesters either."

"What can I say, Cassie? The kid was hot. I don't even know him. His name was Sam by the way. Maybe we can use each other to get closer to the brothers. Like you convince Dean to get Sam to make a move on me and I'll convince Sam to get Dean to make a move on you. It'll be perfect and then we can double date later on."

Castiel laughed. The idea was ridiculous, but he had to admit there was some logic to it. He nodded his head at Gabriel, agreeing to the idea.

As Castiel drove to school, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, signifying that he had received a text. He couldn't wait to look at it, knowing that it would be from Dean. He told himself that he only had to wait a few more minutes until he could look, as they were almost to the school. However, as soon as he put the car in park he saw flaming red hair go rushing past his back windshield. Within a moment there was Charlie, pressed up against his window. She pressed her face to the glass and blew out her cheeks, making a face at the boys. Castiel laughed and looked over at Gabriel, who looked confused but very amused. He shook his head and got out of the car, saying his farewells to Castiel.

Castiel looked back to his window, but Charlie was nowhere to be found. He looked around in his mirrors, the jumped when he noticed Charlie sitting in his back seat, grinning from ear to ear.

"How did you get back there? Actually, don't answer that, I don't think I want to know."

"A wise choice, Cassie," Charlie said as she proceeded to climb from the back seat into the passenger seat. "Anyways, I have news for you. I can tell that you're falling for Dean, and honestly I can see why. Despite common opinion he's actually a pretty rad dude. However, I figured you didn't really know that much about him. Also if you're going to help me out with Lisa then you need to know more about her as well. We have about ten minutes before we need to head to class, so listen up and get ready to learn a ton of shit in a short amount of time."

Charlie then proceeded to rapid fire facts and stories about both Dean and Lisa. Castiel learned about Dean's social status, his relationship with Lisa, and even a little bit about his little brother Sam. Castiel didn't think he had ever had to absorb so much information in such a quick time before. By the time Charlie was done, it was time to go to class, and Castiel was worried that he had possibly fallen for Dean even more than he had earlier.

Today was going to be difficult for Castiel, and it wasn't because it was second day at the new school. Castiel was going to have some troubles concentrating on anything other than a pair of bright green eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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