Chapter Four: Castiel

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Dean looked at the clock and walked a little faster. He had a minute left to get to math and he could see it ahead of him. Dean had woken up late this morning and as a result he had gotten to school late. He leaped through the door as the bell rang, sighing in relief.

He had made it.

He took his seat in the back of the room, noticing that there was a kid in the normally empty seat behind him. The student had messy black hair and beautiful blue eyes that captured Dean's attention for a moment. The kid smiled at him, startling Dean. He wasn't used to people being friendly to him. He smiled and sat down, pulling his math supplies out of his bag and putting them on his desk.


A note landed on Dean's desk. He quickly looked at the teacher to see if she had noticed, but she was facing the board and her back was to the class. Dean looked down at the note, startled out of his daze. He had been thinking about what Sammy might have been up to right now while he was trapped in this hellhole of a class. The note had come from behind him, meaning that it was from the kid behind him. Great. Dean hoped he would be making a friend, not an enemy. He opened the note and read:

I have no idea what any of this fucking means. Want to study together sometime?

Dean turned around to see the kid behind him.

"Is this from you?" He whispered, holding up the note.

The student smiled, "Who else would it be from? Your girlfriend?"

"N-no, and why do you want to study with me? I don't even know who you are," Dean asked, his confusion clearly showing on his face.

"Well, you seem like you know what you're doing and you're-"

"Mr. Winchester do you have a question?"

Dean froze, mentally hitting himself for talking without watching the teacher. He turned around and replied to her.

"I was helping out..." Dean trailed off a little, not knowing the kid's name.

"Castiel," someone, probably Castiel himself, whispered.

"I was helping out Castiel because he was a little confused, it being his first day and all," Dean added the last part, having made the connection that this was most likely the new kid that he was in charge of during literacy next period.

"Well Dean, while I appreciate you trying to help out our," she made air quotes with her fingers, "new addition to the pack, I expect that you please leave the teaching to the teacher. Castiel, did Dean answer your question?"

"Yes m'am, he did."

"Good. Now, I'll let you off the hook this time Castiel, but next time you have a question, ask me, not Dean," she spoke kinder to him than she had to Dean. "Oh and Castiel? Welcome to Howlter High School."
Castiel just quietly thanked her and looked back at his books.


Dean sat staring at the note in his hands. He had five minutes until the bell rang. Five minutes to possibly make a friend. Dean took a deep breath and wrote down eight words. He quietly slipped the note onto the desk behind him and waited for a reply.

Soon enough, the note flew over his shoulder and landed in the middle of his papers. Dean eagerly read the reply.

I have no idea what any of this fucking means. Want to study together sometime?

Do you want to walk to English together?

Sure, but you never answered my question.

Dean smiled to himself and answered, "Yes."

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