Chapter 4: A Heartbreaking Report

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Dante, Cherit, Den, Sophie, and Lok returned to the heart of the Huntik Foundation, their headquarters in New York City. Their faces were etched with sorrow, their steps heavy with the weight of what had transpired in Japan. 

A sense of unease lingered as they made their way through the hallowed halls, heading straight for the heart of the organization, Metz and the other branch leaders awaiting their report.

Upon their arrival, Dante had made a somber call to Metz, his voice heavy with emotion. He informed Metz that their mission had ended in failure, and he requested that Metz ensure Scarlet's presence for the debrief. Metz, though puzzled and worried, had agreed to Dante's request, ending the call as he reached out to Scarlet.

Time passed, and the team's return from Japan signaled the start of a painful reckoning. The leaders of the various Huntik Foundation branches had gathered in a room, all sensing the gravity of the situation. But there was an empty chair, a void that should have been filled by Vivian.

Metz, looking weary and concerned, broke the silence that hung heavily in the room, "Dante, tell us what happened. And where is Vivian?"

The room fell into an eerie silence as Dante's team exchanged troubled glances, their expressions mirroring the sorrowful weight of their mission's failure. Sophie, the usually composed and stoic member of the team, was the first to break. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice quivered as she struggled to recount the tragedy they had faced.

Den and Cherit moved to her side, offering silent support, aware that words couldn't heal the wounds they carried. Dante and Lok looked at Sophie with deep sympathy and understanding, recognizing that what they had seen was enough to haunt anyone's dreams.

As the room awaited answers, Scarlet, looking increasingly anxious and terrified, couldn't contain her fear any longer. Her voice trembled as she asked, "Where... where is she? Dante, Lok, where is Vivian? Where is my sister?"

Tears welled in Scarlet's eyes, threatening to spill over. She couldn't bear the dread that was building in her chest. Her beloved Vivian, had vanished without a trace, and the uncertainty was crushing her.

Dante, with a heavy heart and a voice laden with pain, began to explain. He recounted their entire mission in excruciating detail, from the discovery of the ancient temple to the ominous podium they had stumbled upon. He described the cryptic runes, the malevolent orb, the ambush of the Blood Spirals, and the cataclysmic vortex that had swallowed Vivian whole.

Every word that escaped Dante's lips felt like a dagger in Scarlet's heart. Her worst fears were being realized, and she crumpled to the floor, her strength drained. Her sister, her dearest Vi, was gone. She trembled with shock, disbelief, and anguish, muttering her sister's name incoherently through her sobs.

Metz and the branch leaders looked on, their hearts heavy with sorrow. The news had cast a shadow over the entire room, leaving them grappling with the harsh reality of Vivian's disappearance.

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