Chapter 7: The Morning Encounter

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Vivian's POV

In the void of darkness, I stood, surrounded by an endless expanse of nothingness. As I glanced around, a chilling sensation of unease seeped into my bones. It felt like eyes were upon me. Slowly turning, I spotted a colossal figure behind me, looming in the darkness. The figure materialized into a magnificent red dragon, its piercing eyes fixed directly upon me, assessing my every move.

The dragon's scales gleamed like rubies under an unseen light, radiating an intense, fiery aura. Its wings spanned wide, each delicate membrane shimmering with shades of crimson and light red. Its eyes, a mesmerizing emerald, held an ancient wisdom that seemed to peer into the depths of my very soul.

 Its eyes, a mesmerizing emerald, held an ancient wisdom that seemed to peer into the depths of my very soul

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"Time to wake up," the dragon spoke, its voice resonating through the void like a celestial echo.

3rd POV

Gasping for air, Vivian shot up in her bed, her chest heaving as sweat drenched her brow. The remnants of the dream clung to her consciousness, a lingering sense of foreboding lingering in the air. She blinked, trying to shake off the remnants of her nightmare.

As she glanced around her room, confusion knitted her brows. How did she get here? Her memory started to trickle back, recalling the unexpected appearance of Rias, their brief exchange, and then... a peculiar revelation struck her.

Turning to her side, she noticed a figure sleeping beside her under the blanket. Shock registered on her face as she swiftly unveiled the sleeper. To her utter surprise, there lay Rias Gremory, bare and unconscious, sleeping soundly in Vivian's bed.

 To her utter surprise, there lay Rias Gremory, bare and unconscious, sleeping soundly in Vivian's bed

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Her mind raced with confusion and disbelief. How did this happen? As if on cue, Rias stirred, waking up with a soft murmur, greeting Vivian with a casual "Good morning."

Vivian was flustered, her cheeks flushed. "Good... Good morning," she stammered, averting her gaze from the unexpected situation.

Rias, seemingly unfazed, remained nonchalant. She responded with a calm smile, amused by Vivian's reaction. Attempting to redirect the conversation, Vivian composed herself and quickly inquired about their need to prepare for school.

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