~-•Dramatic Fainting•-~

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Ello! Bro I'm at tutoring
Oeca's POV
Me and Mohwee were walking when we saw  Ori and Owen sitting on a bench while Magic was sitting on the floor looking quite annoyed. "Hey Mohwee what do you think has gotten magic so annoyed?" I asked Mohwee, "I'd say Ori and Owen are arguing or something like that." Mohwee said plainly.

"Nah, I'd say there flirting, I mean they do act like a married couple every time they talk." I say which earns a chuckle from Mohwee, "oh, you wish" Mohwee said with a dramatic sigh, "well let's find out" I say as I start walking over to the three.

"Oh aren't you just a cutie" Ori says making Owens face go red. Mohwee and I burst into laughter which quickly caught the attention of the three. "Uh- YOU GUYS DIDN'T HEAR  OR SEE ANYTHING-" Owen shouted which made us start laughing more, but I immediately stopped when I saw a greiver on Owens lap, then everything went dark
Ori's POV
I saw Oeca look towards the greiver and then dramatically faint. Why. Then Mohwee looked at the greiver and also dramatically fainted and landed in a dramatic way. Why???? How are we supposed to explain to them that their father figure somehow got attached to a baby griever???
Mohwee POV
I woke up in Owens house with a... BABY GRIEVER SLEEPING ON MY LAP!?!?!? And everything went dark.
Owens POV
Mohwee fainted. Again. Agh, how are the others going to react if MOHWEE and OECA fainted, Might I add dramatically. Welp.
I'm so sorry that this is so short, it's just I wrote half of this at recess and the other half rn in tutoring. Again so sorry these chapters have been so short.

Words: 296

~-•Owen's New Pet•-~ Outsiders smp fanfic Where stories live. Discover now