Episode 6: Headstrong Battle!

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"Episode six: Headstrong Battle!"

Hiroto and Elli found themselves surrounded by a gang of menacing-looking thugs, each sporting a twisted grin as they closed in on the duo. Hiroto, determined to prove his worth to be Elli's partner, clenched his fists while Elli, with her book at the ready, remained calm and composed.

"Heh, we've got a couple of strays here. What are you kids doing in our territory?" asked one goon angrily.

"We're not just kids! We're here to take down Kobaryoto!" replied Hiroto, still determined.

Another goon looked at him mockingly, "Kobaryoto? You must be out of your minds!"

In the meanwhile, Elli silently flips a page in her book.

With a swift motion, Hiroto lunged at one of the goons, delivering a powerful punch that sent him tumbling to the ground. Elli, on the other hand, unleashed her magic, causing the words in her book to come to life. The pages glowed as a flurry of objects and creatures sprang forth, overwhelming the thugs.

"What the hell is happening?" asked another subordinate.

As the brawl continued, Hiroto and Elli fought valiantly, working in tandem to fend off their attackers. Hiroto's physical prowess combined with Elli's magical prowess proved to be a formidable combination.

"Hiroto, watch out for the big one!" said Elli, looking out for him as they fought side by side.

A particularly burly thug, resembling a human tank, charged at Hiroto with brute force. Hiroto, driven by adrenaline, managed to evade just in time, causing the thug to crash into a stack of crates.

Hiroto: "Thanks, Elli!" blushed Hiroto as they fought. Energy slowly draining, they kept taking all the hundreds of Kobaryoto's men.

The two continued their battle at the back where they had entered by breaking in from a large window, determined to clear the path to Kobaryoto. The goons soon realized they were getting beaten by this tenacious pair, and one by one, some tried to retreat in defeat.

But it was too late, and the duo had used their magic items to overcome them all.

"Now, let's find the others and face Kobaryoto." Elli said, trying to not show her fatigue while Hiroto shows it with no problem.

They high-fived each other beaming and ran off to find their friends, with their remaining energy.

Meanwhile, Denli, fueled by his determination, taunts the crew members as he darts around and uses water magic to boost himself, "Is that all you've got? I thought you were supposed to be tough!"

Karimoto, with a mischievous grin, swings his scissors chain with incredible precision, disarming an opponent. "You guys are about as sharp as a spoon!"

Pistols maintains his calm demeanor as he lines up another shot, "Stay still for a moment, it'll make my job easier."

Pistols calls out to Denli and Karimoto, coordinating their attacks. Denli uses his lunge ability to swiftly move around, confusing the crew members and striking from unexpected angles. Karimoto spins his scissors chain in a deadly dance, making it difficult for anyone to approach him, yet piercing with his chained scissors.

Kobaryoto, on the chair made from two goons holding him, watches with amusement as the battle unfolds, occasionally giving orders to his crew. However, it becomes evident that the trio is gaining the upper hand, slowly but surely pushing back Kobaryoto's forces.

The crew members, growing frustrated, try to regroup. One of them shouts, "Enough of this! Get those punks!"

In response, Denli uses his lunge ability to vault over his opponents, landing behind them. "You guys need some lessons in combat!"

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