Episode 9: Fire or Snow

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As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in a vibrant palette of colors, Shikoku stood at the helm of the ship, his eyes fixed on the approaching isle. The Fire School's spires were illuminated by the morning sun, casting a warm glow that welcomed the crew to their next adventure.

The ship sailed smoothly toward the isle, its silhouette growing more defined with each passing moment. The anticipation of exploring the Fire School and unlocking the mysteries it held filled Shikoku's heart with excitement.

"So this is it, huh? I never came to the fire school, despite that each school is at the harbour of each island around the Empire...i heard so much about this place."


"Fire or Snow!"

Suddenly the five woke up, in beds, as they stirred, a cozy setting for a room embraced their sight. "Hey everyone...huh? Where are we? Is this a dream?" rubbed his eyes Denli.

"Shut up, it's obviously not!" yawned Karimoto, already annoyed from Denli.

"Hey, well, it sure is a nightmare now that you're in it!!!" growled Denli.

"Why don't you actually go to sleep and never wake up?!" growled Karimoto, equally as angry.

As the two fight a tornado, Hiroto approaches Elli with a flustered smile and a tint of blush on both cheeks. "H-hi, good morning, Elli. I hope you sl-" Hiroto started saying before he got a pillow smacked to his face.

"Hey you jerks, get over here!" angers Hiroto, joining in on the mess of a fight.

Elli smiles and breathes a chuckle through her nose before gracefully continuing her book.

Aria gets up and looks through the window while writing on her record book "Hey guys, stop it, please...look at the view. This place looks so nice! I bet Shiko-sensei brought us here! Let's go explore!" she squeals joyfully.

As Elli sees the that Hiroto listened attentively and stopped, she also sees the other two continuing on, she frowns and closes her eyes and breathes out once.

She reaches in and grabs both their head and knocks them into on another "Hey now! Listen to Aria for a second, will you?!" The two knock back down from the impact with a groan of pain.

The group ventured out of the cozy room, stepping into the vibrant surroundings of the Fire Village. The spires and structures towered above them, showcasing the architectural marvels that combined both elegance and power.

As they explored, the winding paths of the Fire School led them to a courtyard where they unexpectedly encountered Shikoku. His eyes met theirs, and a warm smile graced his face.

"Hey there, everyone! Looks like you all woke up well!" Shikoku greeted, his tone filled with a mix of enthusiasm and anticipation.

Denli, Karimoto, Hiroto, Aria, and Elli exchanged glances, curious about the reason for their sudden appearance at this place from the ship. Shikoku, sensing their unspoken questions, decided to share the purpose behind their journey.

"I brought you all here when you were sleeping because the Fire School holds a unique challenge, one that will test your abilities and forge you into even stronger individuals. The trials within those walls are designed to push you beyond your limits and help you discover new facets of your powers," explained Shikoku, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of the task at hand.

Aria's eyes sparkled with excitement, eager to face the challenges that awaited them. However, a hint of concern lingered on her face as she spoke up.

"Shiko-sensei, I appreciate the opportunity, but my village is still close, just on the other side of this isle! Can I... Can I go visit my family...please?" Aria requested, her voice a mix of hope and longing.

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