Episode 7: Finalising the city! Elli joins the quest!

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"Episode seven: Finalising the city! Elli joins the quest!"

The city had been saved, and the group celebrated their victory. Kobaryoto's reign of terror had come to an end, but the shadows of their past still loomed large. As afternoon fell, the group gathered at the casino-turned-hideout, where they had found shelter and camaraderie.

Shikoku, Aria, Denli, Karimoto, Hiroto, Elli, and Pistols sat around a large table. The atmosphere was tense yet relieved, each member reflecting on the day's battle.

Shikoku leaned forward, breaking the silence. "Our victory today was just a small step in the grand scheme of things. Kobaryoto was merely one of the eleven Emperors. There are more challenges ahead, and we must be prepared."

Elli nodded in agreement. "We should continue our quest to find and confront the other Emperors. They won't sit idly by after what happened here."

Pistols added, "I've heard rumors about their locations and activities. We should investigate further and gather information."

Aria, the strategist of the group, opened her collection book. "We must also remember the items we've collected. They hold immense power, and we should learn to harness them to their full potential."

Denli chimed in with enthusiasm, "Yeah! And I can't wait to fight more bad guys!"

Karimoto, ever the cautious one, cautioned, "But we need to be careful. The Emperors won't underestimate us after our victory today."

Hiroto, who had been quiet during the discussion, finally spoke up. "I... I want to become stronger. I don't want to be a burden."

Elli placed a reassuring hand on Hiroto's shoulder. "You're not a burden. We're a team, and we'll support each other."

Hiroto blushed and looked away, feeling warm under her touch.

Denli scratched the back of his head and asked "So what are these emperors guys again?". Shikoku leaned back in his chair, his eyes closed as he began to explain.

"The Eleven Emperors of Itemry," Shikoku began, "were a group of individuals tasked with protecting our world. We worked hand in hand with the soldiers and law enforcement agencies on every island and sea to maintain peace and order. Our primary duty was to ensure that the powerful magic items didn't fall into the wrong hands. I was one..."

Elli, intrigued, asked, "How did you become one of the Emperors, Shikoku?"

Shikoku's eyes flickered with a hint of nostalgia. "It was a different time, back when I was just eighteen years old. I had already mastered water magic and excelled in Kendo. Kobaryoto and I were good friends, and he got me to officially join the Emperors. We had a lot of fun back then."

Hiroto, who had been listening attentively, couldn't help but ask, "So, what happened? Why did you all split up?"

Shikoku's expression grew somber as he continued his tale. "Ten years ago, Abyssal, the Dark Matter Emperor, made his move. He sought to rule the entire Empire of the Emperors, and he didn't care about the consequences. He was dangerous, wielding the power of dark matter like no one else."

Denli, fascinated by the story, questioned further, "And what did you all do about it?"

Shikoku's story continued, delving deeper into the history of the Emperors and the fateful encounter with Abyssal.

He recounted, "Some of our fellow Emperors had fallen under Abyssal's influence, and it tore our group apart. But there were those who resisted his darkness, including Kobaryoto and me. We tried to stop Abyssal's rampage, but he had grown too powerful."

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