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My depression and me

My depression journey started two years ago

I wasn't as happy as I usually was

And I didn't really like the things I used to like

I didn't have motivation to do things

My parents started to call me lazy

I didn't know how to tell them that I wanted to do things but I just couldn't

So I didn't say anything

I had several mental breakdowns

Mostly at night when I was alone

I tried talking to my mom telling her that I thought I might have depression

But she whipped it of and said it was probably because of the hormones

A few months flew by

And I got worse

I started cutting myself

It felt good

And before I know it I was addicted to it

I tried stopping many times but I always failed

Then I started going to therapy

My therapist said I didn't have depression

Because people with depression can't get out of bed in the morning and I was feeling sad at night

Because of my anxiety and depression I didn't go one time

She left a voicemail saying that our sessions were over

About a month later I couldn't get out of bed in the mornings

Witch made my parents mad

I still can't tell them that it's because of my depression

They know that I'm depressed

They know that I cut myself

They saw the scars

But for some reason they only make my life harder

By not being there for me but to talk me down when I didn't do a simple task

Witch I wanted to do but just couldn't

And then I feel bad about myself for not doing it

Then I cut myself to make the mental pain physical pain

So its an endless circle

Whom I cant seem to get out of

I feel like no one should experience depression

But I also want them to just be I my shoos for one day

So that they can feel how it is for me

I never really tell anyone about my depression

I feel like they would think I would do it for attention

Or feel like its not that worse

And I don't want to disturb anyone with my problems

So I keep them for myself

And become my own therapist

Witch means forcing myself to do the things I love

And being ok with having a bad day

As long as I make up for it with a good day

I don't want to die so you don't have to worry about that

I just want to be happy again

So I try as hard as I can

And maybe one day

I'm the old me

And I'm happy again

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