A Strange Request

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Most of the time, Gogol hung out with the other students from the class, but from time to time, he stopped by the small office room.

Fjodor's life also went back to normal for some time. (Almost) Nobody bothered him, his parents let him be and the work at the student council kept him busy.

Midterm came and passed and as always, Fjodor's grades were top notch. Nobody compared to his intellect. Nikolai however looked worried. Fjodor couldn't help but feel a little concerned. What was it with him? Since when did he care about anyone? He pushed the thought aside and went to his office chamber.

He wasn't there for longer than ten minutes when he heard a knock on the door. "Yes?", he answered, expecting Sigma with another student's request. The half and half haired boy wasn't only his secretary, his official position was the second representative. As nobody dared to approach Fjodor, he needed someone people would talk to. Although Fjodor did seem cold and careless, he actually put a lot of effort into his work at school.

But instead of Sigma it was Gogol who stood there in the open door. "Since when do you knock?", Fjodor asked, annoyed. "My dear Dos-kun, let me just be friendly with you for once." Fjodor rolled his eyes. At some point he had given up on trying to convince Nikolai to not call him that, at least in private. "What do you want?" Gogol gave him an innocent look. "Spit it out. Now that you're here bothering me, you can also say it." Almost a little shy Nikolai sat down next to Fjodor.

"Well, I... You see... I wanted to ask..." Dostojewsky had enough. "You either spit it out now or you leave, but quit rambling!" Nikolai took a deep breath. "Can I come to your place? Like... For the whole holidays?" Fjodor opened his mouth. Then closed it again. "Not happening. Why?" He bit himself on the tongue. Why did he ask? It was none of his business. He didn't want to get involved. Bad enough Gogol thought of him as his friend just because he saw him in an awful state.

"Aww, Dos-kun is concerned about me." Nikolai grinned and payed for it with a hit on the head. With a book. "Ouch. Be nice to me, Dos-kun." Fjodor focused back on the book he had actually been reading until Nikolai came. "Don't overuse that name or I forbid it again." Gogol chuckled. Somehow their relationship had evolved to this bickering stuff. As long as it was just the two of them, Fjodor didn't mind.

"But can you at least think about my request?", Nikolai started again. Fjodor sighed. "If you tell me why. Or should I give you a cola for it?" A slight grin made it's way to his face. "It's ridiculous, I won't say it... Maybe if you say yes I will." How on earth should he survive one whole weak with this clown 24/7? "I won't bother you, I promise. We don't have to hang out or anything, I just need a place to sleep." Curiously Fjodor looked at Nikolai. "Are you homeless or something? Did your parents kick you out?" The white haired boy didn't answer. Both of them had their secrets and neither of them wanted to tell anything. Somehow it ended up in a silent agreement to not ask. "Fine. But if you annoy me, I'll kick you out for good."

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