Where did it even start?

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Dear diary,

Today, something interesting happened at school. A new girl has joined our class, and it seems like she's having a hard time fitting in. It's quite sad to see that nobody is talking to her. There are different rumors going around about her background. Some say she comes from a wealthy family, while others believe she was found on the road. The truth is, nobody really knows.

Our teacher, Mrs. Toargio, has warned us not to talk about the new girl, and whenever we try to bring her up, she gets upset. Mrs. Toargio can be quite loud and shouty, which sometimes worries me. But I guess she has her reasons for being that way.

After detention today, my friends and I overheard Mr. and Mrs. Niva expressing their sympathy for the new girl. They mentioned how she's been receiving strange looks in the hallway and facing some backchat from other students. It's disheartening to hear that she's going through such a tough time.

Interestingly, they mentioned that her name is Olivia. I have to admit, I find that name quite charming. If someone is called Olivia, I might already have a little crush on them. ;)

I hope things get better for Olivia and that she finds her place in our school soon. I'll try to be friendly and welcoming if I get the chance to talk to her. After all, everyone deserves to feel included and accepted.

Until next time, diary!

Warmest regards,

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