Thank you.. Leila..

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As I made my way to the park, my mind was consumed by the painful revelation that it had all been a prank. The weight of disappointment and hurt settled heavily on my shoulders. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the park. I found solace on a weathered bench and allowed tears to flow freely.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely registered the presence of someone approaching. A gentle tap on my shoulder brought me back to the present. Reluctantly, I looked up to see a kind-hearted girl sitting beside me.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

I shook my head, my face still buried in my hands. She reached out and rested her hand on mine, a gesture of comfort and understanding.

"What happened?" she inquired softly.

"It was a girl. She played me," I replied, my voice barely a whisper.

"Olivia?" she asked, a hint of recognition in her voice.

I nodded, surprised by her familiarity with the name. She quickly revealed her connection.

"That's my step-sister," she confessed, her disappointment evident.

I looked at her in disbelief, unsure of how to process this twist of fate.

"You're lying," I uttered, my voice trembling.

She shook her head. "No, it's true. I'm just as disappointed in Olivia as you are."

A glimmer of hope sparked within me. Perhaps I wasn't alone in seeking justice and closure.

"Wait, how old are you?" I asked, attempting to gather my thoughts.

"Twenty," she replied.

Relief washed over me, knowing that she was not involved in the prank. The possibility of seeking revenge together began to take shape.

"Do you want to get back at Olivia?" she proposed, her voice filled with determination.

My heart skipped a beat as I considered the opportunity for retribution.

"Yes," I replied, determination tinged with a hint of excitement.

"Okay, then. From now on, you'll be my fake girlfriend," she declared, with a mischievous smile.

I blushed at the thought but nodded in agreement. "Sure, I can do that. What should I call you?"

"Leila," she answered, her smile radiating warmth.

Leila took my hand and led me back to her impressive house. As we walked, she asked about my boundaries for our fake relationship. I blushed even deeper, stammering out my limits.

"We can kiss... but only on the cheek," I managed to say, my voice filled with nervousness.

Leila nodded, understanding my hesitations. "That's completely fine. And how about we have little nicknames for each other?"

I hesitated for a moment before nodding, allowing myself to be swept up in the playful nature of our plan.

"Okay," I agreed, mustering a small smile.

Leila's smile widened, illuminating her entire face. It was a smile that could chase away the darkest of clouds.

We arrived at her house just in time, knowing that Olivia would be arriving soon. Leila opened the door, and I mustered up the courage to kiss her on the cheek, playing my part in our little charade. Leila looked at me, a mix of emotions flickering in her eyes.

"So, Olivia, this is my girlfriend," she announced, her tone laced with a hint of triumph.

I couldn't help but playfully wag my finger and wink at Olivia before seeking comfort in Leila's embrace, knowing that she understood the depth of my pain.

After Olivia left, I mustered the courage to ask if I could stay the night at Leila's house. She hesitated for a moment, considering the request, before a warm smile spread across her face.

"Of course," she replied, her voice filled with genuine kindness. "You're welcome to stay. All the other rooms are currently being renovated, so we'll have to share a bed. I hope that's alright."

Relief washed over me as I nodded, grateful for her understanding and generosity. Leila led me upstairs to her room, which was spacious and inviting. The soft glow of fairy lights adorned the walls, creating a cozy ambiance.

As we settled onto the bed, Leila turned to me, her eyes filled with empathy.

"I can't imagine how much this hurt you," she murmured, her voice laced with sincerity. "But I promise to do my best to make things right."

Her words brought a sense of comfort, and I found myself opening up to her, sharing the depth of my emotions and vulnerabilities. Leila listened attentively, offering a comforting presence that I desperately needed.

As the night wore on, we talked, laughed, and shared stories. Leila's genuine warmth and compassion gradually eased the pain in my heart. With each passing moment, our fake relationship started to feel more genuine, as if we were offering each other solace and healing.

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