It's a....

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Kiara's second pregnancy had been filled with anticipation and excitement. She and Leila had eagerly awaited the moment when they could find out the gender of their second child. The day had finally arrived, and they had scheduled an ultrasound appointment to learn whether Luna would have a baby brother or sister.

As they entered the ultrasound room, Kiara's heart raced with anticipation. She lay down on the examination table, and Leila sat beside her, holding her hand. The ultrasound technician, a friendly and cheerful woman, prepared the equipment.

"Are you ready to find out the gender?" the technician asked with a smile.

Kiara nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, we can't wait!"

The technician began the ultrasound, moving the wand over Kiara's growing belly. The room was filled with the soft sounds of the baby's heartbeat, a reassuring melody that brought smiles to Kiara and Leila's faces.

And then, as the technician carefully examined the screen, she made an unexpected discovery. Her eyes widened with surprise, and she turned to Kiara and Leila.

"Congratulations," she said, her voice filled with astonishment. "You're not just having one baby; you're having twins!"

Kiara and Leila exchanged astonished glances, their hearts pounding with disbelief. Twins? They hadn't expected this at all.

"T-twins?" Kiara stammered, her eyes filling with wonder.

The technician nodded with a grin. "That's right, and I have even more news for you. They're both girls!"

Tears of joy filled Kiara's eyes as she looked at Leila. "Twins, Leila, and they're both girls!"

Leila's face broke into a wide, incredulous smile. "Double the joy, Kiara! We're going to be parents to two beautiful baby girls."

As the technician continued to show them the images of their twin daughters, Kiara and Leila couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness. Their family was about to grow in the most unexpected and delightful way.

The technician printed out the ultrasound images, capturing the precious moment when Kiara and Leila learned about their twin daughters. They left the appointment with a sense of wonder and excitement, eager to share the news with their family and friends.

That day had brought not just one surprise but two—an unexpected discovery of twins and the knowledge that their family was about to become even more special. Kiara and Leila looked forward to the journey ahead, knowing that the love they had to give was about to be doubled, and their hearts were ready to embrace their twin daughters with open arms.

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