Beginning to hate

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As you can tell, Kiara has full interest in Olivia but she can't bring herself to admitting it. However does Olivia feel the same way?


Dear Diary,

Today was my second day at this new school, and I must say, I'm already dreading it. It feels like everyone has already formed their opinions about me, and it's not in a positive way. I can't help but wonder, what did I even do to deserve this treatment?

There's this popular girl named Kiara, and she seems to have taken a strange interest in me. She has brown hair and striking green eyes, but her constant staring is starting to creep me out. I mean, seriously, Kiara, can't you keep your eyes to yourself? It's not that difficult. I caught her watching me when I was changing for PE, and it made me feel so uncomfortable. Ew.

There are also these ridiculous rumors going around about me. Some say I come from a wealthy family, while others claim I was found on the road. I don't know if I was supposed to be oblivious to these rumors, but if that was the intention, they did a terrible job at keeping them under wraps. It's frustrating to be labeled as something I'm not. I'm just a normal human being who recently moved houses. There's no tragic backstory or anything like that.

On another note, it seems like Kiara might be dating this popular girl named Ellie. Honestly, they don't seem like a good match at all. I can't help but think that Kiara deserves someone so much better. Wait a minute, why am I even thinking about Kiara in that way? She's strange and creepy, and these thoughts are just overwhelming my brain.

To add to my stress, my mom insists that I suffer through my homework. I have no idea how I'm going to survive it, but I'm willing to give it a try. However, I wouldn't mind a little bit of help along the way.

If you're out there, universe, please send some assistance my way.


P.S. Diary, you're the only one who gets me. Thank you for listening.

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