The Scientists

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Stan looked around the room, the place was dark, it had a weird csmell of chemicals and cheap cleaning products.

He was confused, how did he even end up there? All he remembered was being in a new mission with the crew when he decided to leave the spaceship for a little while since the folks were taking long outside.

Somehow, his little walk ended with him on a laboratory.


He was inside of what seemed like a cage, with thick metal bars and a cold feeling to it. He touched the bars, expecting some kind of reaction from the metal...nothing happened.

Where those just regular old bars or could there be something more to it? Stan wasn't sure if he wanted to find out...principally if there was something else to and it happened to be a hazard to his safety.

He breathed heavily and slowly shape-shifted into an almost "2D-ish" form that allowed him to pass through the bars just like a piece of paper




"Wow, how anti-climatic" he tough out-loud.

He then started to explore the area. The place ended up being way bigger than he expected it to be...

He crawled around the lab, looking for something either different or dangerous. A bunch of colorful liquids? Okay. Papers in a language he didn't understand? Regular enough. A little metal table right next to a bed with a scalpel and other medical equipment? All safe.

Wait a second... a scalpel!?

He ran back to the little metal table to double-check it, it was exactly what it seemed, A whole table full of scalpels and needles and weird looking scissors in different sizes. That couldn't mean something good, considering he was the only one there who was inside a cage...

Suddenly, he heard loud "BANG" coming from the front door. Stan got his shit together and ran back into the cage as fast as he could. Who knew what would happen to him if the crazy scientist people who probably worked here found him outside his little prison. He didn't want to be the one to find out.

Two people walked in, wearing white scientistic-clothing and one of them was wearing glasses, they looked smart enough to be scientists.


Said the first scientist guy, he had ginger hair and green eyes. Stan didn't quite catch what language was it, he started to bang his fist against the translator that was placed on his ear in hopes for it to start working.



"W̷̨͓͉̜͕̆e̷̥͇̺̟͎̭͊̒̓ļ̸͙̲͇̤̫͐̋̄ḻ̴̘̣͂̈́̓̏ ý̸͙͘ẹ̵̿̽á̵̬͜h̵̰̝̎͊ b̴u̷t̶ it acts like one of us..."

"We've only saw him actually do so trough the security cameras, he could just be a kind of fancy animal." Said the second scientist. This one had glasses and a more feminine figure, with black long hair tied back, but he couldn't see her face from the angle.

"It walks on two feet and wears clothes. Isn't that enough evidence?"

"I can put clothes on my dog too, you know?"

"Your dog walks on two feet?"

"Well, no. But a chicken does, and I can put clothes on a hen..."

"You got what i meant, Wendy."

"Just relax, Kyle. It's not human, and we won't have to actually do anything with it yet. We can just stick to calculus for now and think about this later..."

Stan gulped in fear of what was yet to come.

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

Stan yawned, it had been already hours and "Kyle" and "Wendy" were still there, talking about space, ufo's and stuff he didn't quite get. He was starting to get bored. When are these two going to leave so he can look around again?

A fourth figure entered the room. This one way calmer and softer than the smart-asses, She was a young Lady with fluffy blond hair and light blue eyes, the left one with a visible scar.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys, but I have a few stuff to say." Said the blonde, with a worried smile.

"No worries, Marjorine, we were almost done for the day anyway." replied Wendy.

"Oh! Okay then! So... Craig asked me to tell you that 'If you drop acid on the main board again, he is not going to fix it and he's going to leave us all to die here'."

An awkward silence follows

"And dinner is ready in five!" She says excited and leaves, proud of herself for the done job.

Kyle sighed and put his papers on the table.

"I don't think there's much more for us to do Wendy. Let's just finish it for now..." he looks at Stan "...We can talk about what we're going to do with you later."

Wendy nodded and they left the room, going the same direction as the Blondie went.

The shapeshifter waited a few minutes to be sure they were gone and left his cage once again. It could be his only chance to escape this place... alive at least. He started to look around for a way out, in preference not the front door.

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