Diving Deeper In The Truth

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FUCK FUCK FUCK! What was he going to answer now?? Wendy clearly wanted a response for something he didn't even know himself! 

"It's just that... uhhhhh.."

As if god had heard his prayers, Marjorine stormed in the room. With a document in hands, exclaiming:

"CRAIG CRAIG CRAIG!!! I Found it!" 

As soon as the scientist hopped in Marjorine's vision she stopped.

"You found what?" Asked Wendy.

"Oh hamburgers...." The blonde exclaimed "It's... my grandmas cooking recipe.."

"Cooking recipe?"

"Yeah! For... pudding! I had been looking for it for a long time." The receptionist hid the papers behind her back. "I'm going to cook it for us."

"But Marjorine... we're at space..."

"I know it."

"...We only eat condensed food that the military made for us..." Wendy placed both hands os her hips "And that YOU heat for us everyday."

"It's uhhh... Military pudding."

"Wasn't it your grandmas?"

"My grandma was on the military!"



He seemed to be very confused but went along with it "yeah, of course."

Marjorine grabbed Craig by his wrist and they stormed outta the room, leaving Wendy standing there.

"That was weird."

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Craig and Marjorine went to the engineer's workplace, on the back of the ship. The whole place was very tidy, tons of equipment and blueprints of the ship were sorted by size on the working station on the middle of the room. The walls were just the ship's metal, no paint or wallpaper covering it. The whole place had the smell of engine oil.

He pulled a bench to his desk for her to sit down and went to his chair.

"So you really found it?" Asked him, doubting the blonde.

"Yes!" She pulled a piece of crumbled up paper and gave it to Craig. It had the following text:


The following text describes needed procedures to be done on the extra-terrestrial instance 11878 and shall only be read by the prepared personnel identified as Dr.Wendy Testaburger and Dr.Kyle Broflovski

The instance has been found by counselor Clyde Donovan on the planet 292038 and will be sent to the ship 101 at next Tuesday (April's first) for further analysis and experimentation. Along side the specimen there will be sent the necessary equipment, those being:

Two (2) Scalpel handle filament n°03

One (1) Scalpel disposable blade n°12

Two (2) Scalpel disposable blade n°23

Two (2) Rongeur

Two (2) Steel bonesaw 

The said itens must be used for the studies and better understanding of the instance. The professionals shall look for any similarities between the Homo sapiens and the instance, if none are found then they shall look for similarities within other earth species.

If the individuals refuse to follow above indications they can and will be put under arrest for refusal of following governmental orders.

Signed: Eric Theodore Cartman

Craig puts the paper down on the table and breathes heavily "Do you think we could get in trouble for this?"

"Probably yes, but only if they find out we read it."

He sighted "So it arrived today..."

"I guess so."

They stayed silent for a moment. Each one of them with their own thoughts.

"Now what?" Asked the engineer.

"Huh? nothing, I think."

"Nothing, really? We're just gonna let it die?"

"There's nothing we can do, Craig."


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