{Chapter 1}

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The plane crashes.

Me, ARLO, and the Clean-up bot slowly exit the rocket, avoiding any injuries.

"Well dang it!" ARLO shouts. "I don't think that we could be able to find more fuel!"

"Maybe," I add. "We can find someone here? I mean, we are back in Mars!"

"Wait wait WAIT- Back in MARS!?" ARLO asked me confused.

"Yes! Its red here, so why not?"

"Cosmo. We would have a landing pad RIGHT BELOW OUR ROCKET. AND IT ISIN'T THIS HOT ON MARS."

"Oh right-"

Though, ARLO does have a point. It's not scorching hot on mars.

(*Spoiler* A/N: Basically in this AU they are living on mars and sending some humans down to earth to help restore it since the earth is just not good for humans in this AU)

"Huh, It is hot here, hotter than the hottest desert!" I think out loud.

I hear some very random beeping. I turn to see...
...ARLO malfunctioning!?

The Clean-up Bot flies over to try to help ARLO. But then, I start sweating. I run over to ARLO to help as well. But dang! They are beeping a lot!

"ARLO? ARLO? ARLO are you okay!?!?" I ask, worried.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm o-o-o-o-overheating!" ARLO stutters.

Uh oh, they are going to shut down(pass out)...

"Stay with me ARLO!" I yell. "STAY WITH ME!!!"

More beeping is heard from them.

"C-C-C-C-Cosmo!" ARLO stutters again.

They shut down.

"Oh no. ARLO? ARLO WAKE UUUUP~ ♪" I sing. They hate this song badly. "I don't like this~ ♪ ARLO WAKE UP~ ♪ Hey, hello? ♪ Time to wake up, time to wake up. Can you hear me? Wake up, ARLO. ♪ I DONT LIKE THIS- ARLO WAKE UUUP~ ♪"

The Clean-up Bot also shuts down.

"Not you too!" I exclaim.

But then after, I start feeling... Lightheaded....

Am I... Fainting!?

I try to not faint but I fail and everything goes black.

But we start hearing voices!?

"What are these guys?" I hear a voice ask.

"And what are we going to do with them?" Another voice adds.

"We will find out soon," a third voice says. "BRING THEM IN!"

We might be in trouble soon, oh boy...
Finally i am done with this chapter now im doing a little bit of chapter 2 today and the rest tomorrow if i have the motivation cuz its like 12:20 am and i have school sooo yea bye!
Words: 416

{DISCONTINUED} I'll see you again, soon...Where stories live. Discover now