{Chapter 3}

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Bro it took so long to finish. Also for those wondering how I can write a lot and not do short chapters, I put the ideas in my sketchbook and when i get the chance, i write it on wattpad. Okay enjoy chapter 3 yall!
I can't believe it. Who on earth would interrupt a dinner like that? With guests from another planet too! People are just rude these days!

While me, ARLO, and the Clean-Up Bot are in the tent, we hear fire, weapons, and destruction, basically.

But I have this feeling that we should do something about it. But should I tell ARLO? Maybe I should...

"ARLO?" I tell them. "I feel like..."

"We have to help them." We both say at the same time.

"Okay, but how?" ARLO wonders.

We think for a while...
"Does anyone have any ideas?" I ask

"Not yet." ARLO responds.

"I can't concentrate with all of this NOISE!" ARLO muttered.

They did have a point, there's was a lot of clanging, hitting, and yelling outside.

"This is like me not able to figure out Brix." I state, and yes, I do not know how to use Brix at all.

"True..." ARLO replies. "Wait- That's it!"

"What's it?" I ask

"Cosmo, we can use Brix to defend the dragon attacks," says ARLO

"Like a..." I think for a moment. "Defend... Like a shield! We can use a blueprint of a large wall to help delay the attacks of the dragon!"

"Cosmo, that is a great idea!"

"I have the blueprint in my pocket, luckily..."

"Okay, but we have to be careful, the dragon might see us and burn us."

"But how will we get there?"

ARLO takes a peek through the tent opening. "Hm..."

"Found a way yet?" I ask

"Cosmo, I just started to get my head outside." ARLO replies, annoyed. "and it looks like they STARTED WORLD WAR 3 WITH THAT BEAST!"

Oh god, they are mad. Everyone knows what a tiny little robot like ARLO gets mad. Well, I don't really know but I know it's bad.

"I'll go start making the weapons out of Brix."I say to ARLO before starting to make a blueprint for them.

"Okay," ARLO replies. But realizes something. "Wait, WHAT!?"


I FINALLY finish the weapons I need to fight while defending. ARLO is still looking outside, somehow not getting hit by flames.

"I've got it!" ARLO exclaims. "We go on the side and every time the dragon breathes fire or attacks with his claw, we quickly put down the blueprint. We keep repeating until the dragon gets defeated."

"ARLO, that doesn't sound like a bad strategy at all, that could really help the tribe!" I proudly exclaimed. Let's get a move on!"

We run outside of the tent and quickly go on the sides. Luckily we came in now, because the dragon was about to hit a warrior!

Before the dragon could hit the warrior in pain, something got stuck in it's claw.

It was the blueprint of the large wall!

"W-What!?" The dragon asks, confused.

"Never underestimate someone you don't know!" ARLO yelled out proudly.

"That was you!?" Mala Sauce Cookie asked confused and shocked.

"Yes! That was us!" I replied.

"You guys are actually useful!" The Hot Mala Warrior responded.


We are almost done beating up the dragon! They look like their on their last bit of energy.

"FINAL ATTACK!" Mala Sauce Cookie yelled, loudly.

Everyone hit the dragon hard once more and the dragon was finally defeated. But then it turned into a... Person!? Wow, this is becoming weirder by the minute!

"Grr..." The dragon-person growled "You guysss have made me go back into my cookie form! I'm impressssed, you guyssss have grown a lot!"

Hold up- Did they just say COOKIE!? I think the Mala Tribe can help us find the Cookie Kingdom we were looking for!

"Have you dealt with this dragon before?" I ask

"Many times, because this DRAGON IS OBSESSED WITH DESTRUCTION!!" A warrior replied, annoyed about the fact they have fought many times.

"Yup, and you know what that meansss if you defeat me." The dragon-cookie added.

Everyone waited.

"We get a wish." Mala Sauce Cookie said. She then turns to the cookie who used to be a dragon. "Are you forgetting something?"

The dragon-cookie thought for a moment. "No?"

"I'll do it myself." Mala Sauce Cookie turns to me. "Cosmo, ARLO, and Clean-Up Bot, this is Pitaya Dragon Cookie, but we call him Pitaya for short."

(A/N i forgot to mention that in my AU, pitaya is a he/him but then he is in his dragon form, then it's a they/it. it might by confusing-)

"Oh. I forgot about the introducing..." Pitaya says while rubbing the back of his head in shame.

"Nice to meet you!" ARLO says.

"Nice to meet you too!" Pitaya responds.

"Well, what now?" I ask.

Oml finally my bday was two days ago so happy late bday to me!!! see y'all next chapter!

Words: 846

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