{Chapter 2}

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A few minutes later...

We hear more voices.

"Are they unconscious?" A voice asks

"They look like they are..." Another voice responds.

"Just wait for them to wake up!" A third voice chimes in.

For some reason, the voices sound so fierce, strong, and like if they dealt with war before. Strong men and women who could beat you up in seconds... We might be in trouble for accidental trespass...

I feel someone shaking me and I hear ARLO's voice, but why do they sound worried and scared?

"Cosmo?! Cosmo!!? COSMO WAKE UP!!" ARLO yelled.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" I yell as soon as I wake up.

I see it, people dressed in some type of armor, each holding a weapon of some sort. I heard people like these are scary...

"Um..." I back up a little bit, not wanting to get beaten with that weapon.

There was two of those people in front of us, watching. One looks like they have a helmet on, and the other one with a big axe.

"Oh, you guys are awake!" One of them said. "Get up, you three have to meet the chief."

Chief? Their Chief? ARLO and the Clean-Up Bot are both confused as I am right now. We never knew about chiefs, and now I am afraid to meet one.

They take me too a short looking female with red hair.

"Why hello there!" She says. "May I know your names?"

"Um... I-I'm Cosmo..." I reply.

"I'm ARLO," ARLO adds. "And this is our Clean-Up Bot."

The Clean-Up Bot bleeps as if they are saying hello.

"Nice to meet you three!" The short red haired woman replies. "If you are here, then you are a friend to us all!"

A wave of relief washes over me. I'm glad that she accepts everyone that steps in their lands.

"I'm Mala Sauce Cookie, Chieftan of the Mala Tribe! These here are some of the Mala Warriors." The short red haired woman, now known as Mala Sauce Cookie, points to the same two people that were with us before. "We heard a crash and went to see what was going on, and we found you three, unconscious on the ground."

"Thank you for bringing us in." ARLO replies.

"No problem! Oh! We were about to have dinner, would you like to join us?" She offers.

"Sure!" I reply happily. "I would love to have dinner with you guys!"

I wonder what do they eat...

"Would you like some stew?" A Mala warrior asked.

"Sure!" I replied. The warrior hands me a small bowl of stew. I take a small sip of it, and guess what? It was spicy!

"Oh! The spice really gives it a kick. Almost too much spice for me to handle..." I say. "Overall, it's okay. Definitely would recommend to Pipos that love spicy food!"

(A/N: Pipos are what they call people in Brixity.)

"Glad you like it!" Another Mala Warrior adds.

Suddenly, there was a huge roar. It was so loud, the ground shook a lot.

"What was that!?" ARLO asks scared.

"What is it this time?" Mala Sauce Cookie asked, annoyed.

I wonder what does she mean by "this time." Has she and her tribe dealt with some stuff before? And what is it that is making the roaring noise?

I could not believe my eyes to see what was it. It was a...

"DRAGON!?!?" ARLO shouts out.

It was true, there was a humongous dragon standing right before our eyes, and when I mean humongous, I mean that the dragon is an unexplainable size. And it was a greenish-red color too.

"I heard a crassshing noissse. Wasss it you guyssss!?" The greenish-red dragon asks.

"Really!? And during our darn dinner too!?" The Spicy Mala Warrior asks, annoyed.

"YESSS DURING YOUR DARN DINNER!" The greenish-red dragon snaps back.

"What is it this time?" Mala Sauce Cookie asks.

"Would you like to have another fight?"
the greenish-red dragon responds.

"Not now! We are having dinner-"

Mala Sauce Cookie gets interrupted by the dragon. "Well too bad! I WANTED SSSOME DESSTRUCTION ANYWAYSSSS!"

"Cosmo. ARLO. Clean-Up Bot. Go quickly hide inside the tent!" The Mala warrior next to me whispers.

"Warriors of the Mala Tribe, prepare for battle!" Mala Sauce Cookie yelled at her tribe.

I have so many questions right now. Who is this dragon? Why does it like to fight them? Will we get hit? Will they lose? Will they win? Has it ever been defeated?
Holy this took me 3 days to get done after i posted chapter 1. Also i am ahead and havent even written any of the other chapters and im gonna start writting ideas for chapter 7. I AM AHEAD OF THE WATTPAD AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME!!!!! >:D

Words: 805.

{DISCONTINUED} I'll see you again, soon...Where stories live. Discover now