Chapter Nine: I'm Done

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I took a sip of caramel goodness, sitting at a cafe near Theo's condo, as I listened to Alex and Theo plan out living arrangements for Lottie. When we finished touring a penthouse that was available in Theo's building, Lottie, Alex, Athena, Theo and I came to a little hole in the wall coffee shop to discuss Lottie's plans.

After the pool party, Athena and Lottie convinced me to stay the night for a girls' sleepover. Nina couldn't stay, so she left with Nico to get back to the kids. Theo and Liam helped Alex clean up and wished us all a good night. Once the guys left, Alex locked himself in his room. And we enjoyed our girls' night by gossiping, giving each other facials, and —finally— knocking out. Then, early in the morning, Theo called Alex claiming there was a penthouse condominium for sale in his building. So, I was dragged into joining the group for a tour.

I listened to everyone's opinions as I quietly nibbled on my croissant.

"I really liked the place, Alex," Lottie opined. "I think I want to put an offer on it. I'd like to have a home to move into before coming back to LA."

Alex nodded and beamed with joy. "That's good, Lottie. Theo and I will take care of all the details. I'll put an offer on the place with our realtor and make sure it's all ready for you before your move."

I couldn't help but smile at Alex's enthusiasm. He looked truly happy to have his little sister move back home.

Lottie grinned back at him with excitement, but her smile swiftly faded when her phone buzzed on the table. She quickly grabbed hold of it and stared at the screen.

I watched as Lottie's face turned ashen, and she became visibly shaken. "Lottie, are you alright," I whispered as I leaned toward her.

She put her phone away and looked up at me. "Yes, thank you," she mumbled. Then, she turned to Alex and cleared her throat. "Alex, I'd better get going. I don't want to miss my flight."

Alex looked up from his conversation with Athena and nodded. "Sure, little one. Your luggage is in my trunk. We can head straight to the airport now." And then, he faced me with a pleading look. "Thalia, would you mind if Theo drops you off by your car? It'll save us time."

I bit my lip as I contemplated my answer, but before I could say anything Theo spoke up.

"I'd be happy to take Thalia," he told Alex.

"Great," Alex announced and stood up.

Athena and Lottie also rose from their seats and said their farewells.

I waved goodbye and watched them leave. Once they were gone, Theo caught my attention by grasping my hand.

"Thalia," he whispered. "I owe you an apology."

I stared at him but didn't give a response.

"Sweetheart, when I saw you in that room yesterday, I thought you were there looking for me. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

I blew out a breath and nodded. "I figured, Theo. I knew I could stop your advances whenever I wanted to... and, eventually, I did."

"Baby, I truly am sorry for hurting you. I know I touched on your insecurities with my thoughtless words. But, I didn't mean to cause you pain. And, I'm also sorry for suffocating you." He groaned and ran his hand through his hair. "I didn't mean to suffocate you, sweetheart. I was just...I didn't know how to show you how much I've regretted my actions. How do I prove that? How do I gain your forgiveness? How do I win you back, Thalia?"

"Theo," I paused and stared at our joined hands, trying to analyze my feelings. I was attempting to form a response, but we were interrupted by an older man with salt and pepper hair and a bright smile.

"Theo," he greeted. "How's it going, son?"

Oh my God! It was Theo's father. Of all the places we could bump into him, we had to see him at a hole in the wall coffee shop while discussing our broken relationship.

Theo released my hand and stood to hug his dad. "Hi dad," he mumbled. "What are you doing here?"

His dad patted him on the back. "I was coming to visit you at your place and decided to grab us some coffee," he replied, still smiling.

After pulling away from Theo, he faced me. "Hello, how's it going?" he asked.

I nodded at him, dumbstruck.

"Thalia, this is my dad, Albert." Theo introduced me. "Dad this is...this is my good friend, Thalia."

Good friend?

I cleared my throat and gave Albert my brightest, fakest smile. "It's really nice to meet you, Albert. Unfortunately, I have to head out. I hope you and Theo have a wonderful day."

I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed out of the door. I was reaching for my phone to request a driver when Theo came running after me.

"Thalia," he called out. "Why did you run out like that?"

I shook my head as I pulled open the transportation app I used on my phone.

"Thalia, please, come back inside."

"No, Theo," I rasped, looking up at him. "I'm done."

"Done?" he questioned, taken aback.

"Yes, Theo. I'm done with this relationship. Please, don't follow me."

I watched as my statement registered with him, and his eyes lit with understanding. Then, I turned and walked down the street as I requested a car. I could get myself home.

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