Chapter 1 : Insane jealous

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A dark basement.

  Li Beibei has been locked up here for half a month.

  At this time, her face was completely ruined, her tendons and hamstrings were cut off, and she was lying on the cold ground like a puddle of mud, with only one breath left.

  In a trance, someone grabbed her hair forcefully, with a hint of perverted joy in his voice: "A beautiful day has begun again, Li Beibei, you can hold on for a few more days."

After finishing speaking, the sharp dagger in his hand cut Li Beibei's face twice.

The pain had already been numb, and Li Beibei didn't even have the strength to cry out, but she twitched instinctively the moment the knife fell, her side face pressed against the ground, but her eyes were fixed on the woman in the white dress in front of her. woman.

   This is Su Qingdai, the best friend she once regarded as a relative and the most trusted.

Su Qingdai looked down at the unrecognizable, blood-stained ground, her eyes filled with triumphant viciousness: "Li Beibei, you also have today, you have been high and pampered for twenty years, did you ever think that today, you would be trampled on by me?" Let me fish under my feet?"

Su Qingdai squatted down, took out a mirror from somewhere, pulled Li Beibei's hair and forced her to look at her bloody self in the mirror: "Look, do you know why I keep your eyes? I just want you to see with your own eyes what you look like now, do you look like a dead mouse rotting in a stinky gutter?"

  Li Beibei could no longer recognize herself in the mirror. After so many days of inhuman torture, she had changed from initial fear to calm despair.

   It's just that there was still an arrogance burning in her heart, and she almost exhausted her whole body: "Why?"

Su Qingdai straightened up, but laughed crazily: "Why? You asked me why? Because I hate you, hate God's injustice, why did you have everything from birth, noble family background, regard you as a Zhuyu's parents, natural beauty, extraordinary talent, everything, even the mole in the corner of your eye makes me feel extremely hated, so from the very beginning, I swear, I will replace you, if I can't If you arrive, then destroy everything you have."

   After all, she is just jealous.

  Su Qingdai's eyes were like a poisonous snake, and she leaned closer to Li Beibei's ear: "Do you know why your mother has been weak and sick for the past two years, and finally died of weakness and exhaustion?"

   Mentioning her mother, Li Beibei's pupils suddenly dilated, as if being slapped in the face by someone: "Is it you?"

"That's right, it was me who moved the hands and feet. In the past two years, I have served you like a servant every day. I added something to the milk your mother drank before going to bed every day. It is a nerve-damaging drug. But the metabolism is fast, so even if you have gone to the hospital countless times, you can't find any clues."

Li Beibei was trembling all over, and her lips were bleeding from being bitten: "My mother is so kind to you, if she hadn't taken you in when you were kicked out of the house, you would have been living on the street, how could you do such a crazy thing Come?"

Your mother is very good to me, but not one-tenth of what she is to you. Besides, I just can't understand your father's affection for your mother. By her side, she is full of heart and eyes, if he could share some love with me back then, I wouldn't necessarily attack him."

  Li Beibei seemed to have been stabbed in the heart by someone's sword, and she couldn't breathe in pain: "My father committed Suicide.....

(End of this chapter)



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