Chapter 4: Reborn, crazy revenge

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Li Beibei came from rebirth. In her previous life, she learned to swim a long time ago. It's ridiculous to say that Chu Xiubai taught her swimming skills later. However, she has an advantage, that is, she has a very high comprehension ability and is able to learn things. , can always learn to the extreme, her swimming skills have long been unknown how many times higher than Chu Xiubai, and later she took the diving certification test, her breath-holding time can reach 11 minutes and 32 seconds, almost breaking the Guinness World Record.

So now, she is in control, yelling for help, while pressing Chu Xiubai into the water over and over again, and when he is struggling in the water and almost breathless, she drags him out of the water to take a breath, Before he could recover, he was pushed into the water again, repeatedly

The hatred from the previous life surged in, Li Beibei even thought viciously, just drown him to death, even if the revenge was avenged, but after thinking about it, he couldn't be so cheap. If the pair of **** don't bear this torture, will it be a waste of God's chance to be reborn this time?

However, she didn't intend to let Chu Xiubai go easily. Seeing that he had passed out, she twisted Chu Xiubai's neck forcefully with her backhand. , like a demon haunting you, unable to break free...

  Many people gradually crowded around the swimming pool. Li Beibei was afraid of being discovered, so he thumped from time to time, shouting for help all the time.

  In the eyes of outsiders, all this is just the helpless struggle of a girl who fell into the water. Who would have thought that Li Beibei was immersed in the pleasure of revenge at this time, unable to extricate herself...

  But soon, there was more strength in the arm, and there was another person behind him.

  Li Beibei was pulled away from Chu Xiubai directly. Originally, Li Beibei wanted to struggle, but at this moment, everyone was watching, and if she continued to abuse Chu Xiubai, people might see her flaws.

  So this time, Li Beibei didn't struggle anymore, and let the man drag her ashore.

   "Babe, Beibei, are you okay, you're scaring me to death!"

  Su Qingdai was the first to rush up. Although she said this, her eyes fell on the man who rescued Li Beibei.

   It turned out to be Fu Jingmo! The second master Fu who is famous all over the city!

   According to the plan, it was supposed to be Chu Xiubai who rescued Li Beibei, but he didn't expect that Chu Xiubai's swimming skills were so poor that he was almost drowned by Li Beibei.

Su Qingdai covered Li Beibei with the towel she had prepared long ago, and thanked Fu Jingmo: "Second Lord, I am Su Qingdai, and I am Beibei's best friend. I just thanked Second Master for his generous rescue. Thank you Second Master for Beibei."

Li Beibei saw that Su Qingdai's eyes were completely on Fu Jingmo's body, and she sneered in her heart. This was not a thank you for her, it was obviously a self-reported family, and she rushed to show her face in front of Fu Jingmo

Li Beibei suppressed her nausea and did not shake off the towel that Su Qingdai draped over her body, because according to Li Beibei's understanding of Su Qingdai in her previous life, she was delicate, sensitive and suspicious, and the good show had just begun, so she couldn't be let go so early. She found clues.

   "I saved her. If I want to thank her, let her do it herself. Do I need you to replace her?"

  Fu Jingmo's voice was low, and his tone of voice was flat, but it made people feel condescending and oppressive.

  Su Qingdai froze on the spot, Li Beibei almost laughed out loud.

  This tone of voice almost puts your age on the table.

  This man is so powerful, he must have seen Su Qingdai's restless and careful thinking at a glance, so he didn't give him any face.

  (end of this chapter)

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