Chapter 10: Sorry, my brain didn't catch up with my hand

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  Su Qingdai was stunned, Su Qulian was about to leave, what did Li Beibei rush over suddenly?

Li Beibei made a gesture to protect Su Qingdai behind her, and comforted her: "Qingdai, is she the idiot Su Qulian you said has been bullying you at home? arm."

  Su Qulian yelled angrily: "Su Qingdai, how dare you call me an idiot!"

  Su Qingdai was extremely depressed, this Li Beibei, how could she just talk about her casual complaints on weekdays.

  Seeing that Li Beibei was about to come forward again, Su Qingdai didn't want to make things worse, so she hurriedly stopped her: "Beibei, you misunderstood, she didn't bully me, so stop doing it."

"I saw it with my own eyes. She pointed at your nose and called you a dog. It made me so mad. Qing Dai, you are the eldest lady of the Su family. What are you afraid of her doing? I have to tell you this today." Don't be angry!"

  Su Qulian's voice was distorted beyond belief: "Su Qingdai, do you dare to say that you are the eldest lady of the Su family? Why are you so shameless, you are even worse than our dog!"

  Su Qingdai was also depressed to death, why did this Li Beibei stand up for her at this time?

  She did tell Song Beibei that she was the eldest lady of the Su family, but at that time it was just to assimilate into her class.

  Besides, she has a lot of ways to deal with an idiot like Su Qulian, and Song Beibei's intrusion would be very difficult to end.

  But now, Su Qingdai can't take care of that much anymore. Li Beibei has practiced Sanda. If Su Qulian has any troubles in her hands, the account will only be charged to her.

Su Qingdai pulled Li Beibei back hard, and tears welled up in an instant: "Beibei, I lied to you, I'm not the eldest lady of the Su family, I'm just... just a humble illegitimate daughter, Su Qulian is the veritable daughter of a thousand gold , I am her servant, if she gets hurt because of me, my aunt will beat me to death."

  At this moment, Su Qingdai can only elevate Su Qulian's idiot and belittle herself.

   One is to dispel the anger in Su Qulian's heart, and the other is to win Li Beibei's sympathy.

   Originally thought that Li Beibei would stop to comfort her, but she didn't expect that Li Beibei had already removed Su Qulian's other arm.

  Li Beibei reacted suddenly after removing Su Qulian's arm: "Ah, Qing Dai, I'm sorry, my brain didn't keep up with my hand."

Where did Su Qulian suffer from this kind of suffering since she was a child, dragging her two dislocated arms and screaming, even if the person in front of her was Li Beibei, she couldn't care less: "Li Beibei, Su Qingdai, just wait, you guys are here today!" If you treat me like this, I will repay you twice in the future.”

   After finishing speaking, he dragged his two limp arms and wobbled away.

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