Chapter 3: Hypocrisy disgusting, extremely greasy

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Before she finished speaking, Su Qingdai kicked her in the stomach. The sharp heels of her high heels were like knives, as if they wanted to cut open her internal organs. Li Beibei shrank to the ground like a shrimp, mouthing spit out blood.

   Then her consciousness began to blur...

  Li Beibei knew that she was dead, the pain disappeared, her body was light, and her soul was stripped from her body and floating in the air.

She watched Su Qingdai turn her body over like a dead fish, and after confirming that she was out of breath, she said regretfully: "It's so boring to die so soon, I still have a lot of things that I haven't told her. , I really want to see this love brain and know that even the first encounter between you was a design, you married her just to inherit the family property after their family died, and...I'm already pregnant with your child...she will What a reaction, what a pity..."

Chu Xiubai touched Su Qingdai's slightly raised belly, and smiled lightly: "Leave it to me to deal with it here, you, a pregnant woman, don't touch such unlucky things, and give birth to our child obediently, after the limelight passes, I will give you a beautiful wedding."

"Husband, you are so kind!"

  Looking at the two people in front of her, Li Beibei felt both disgusted and disgusted. She was really blind all her life. She mistrusted this pair of scumbags, causing her parents to die tragically and her family to fail.

  Thinking of her parents, the overwhelming hatred in Li Beibei's eyes filled with sadness.

  The only thing she did to disobey her parents in her life was to insist on rescinding the engagement with the Fu family because of Chu Xiubai, but she didn't expect to lure wolves into the house, and finally the family was ruined.

  Dad, Mom, I'm sorry...

  Dad, Mom, will you forgive me?

  Dad, Mom, we will meet soon...

  Dad, Mom, I miss you so much...


   "Help... help, Beibei fell into the water... someone come!"

  Li Beibei opened her eyes and vaguely saw a white dress on the shore from the water. Although she couldn't see the man's face clearly, the familiar voice penetrated into her ears like a poisonous snake, and she would never forget it.

   is Su Qingdai.

   Isn't she dead? Why can I still hear Su Qingdai's voice?

   "Senior Chu, save Beibei, she can't swim!"

It's like a sharp sword splitting all the past and the past. She is very familiar with this situation.

   It happened four years ago that she followed her parents to celebrate the birthday of Fu Shengting, the head of the Fu family.

   Unexpectedly, she was reborn, reborn on the first day she met Chu Xiubai!

   That day she fell into the open-air swimming pool in the courtyard and was rescued by Chu Xiubai. She was grateful for his life-saving grace and fell in love with her, and they had an intersection since then. That day was also the beginning of the tragedy of her life.

But now that I think about it, she just felt strange when she fell into the water that day. At that time, she only felt pushed by someone. It must have been pushed by Su Qingdai, and Chu Xiubai was the first to arrive, so she must have been hiding nearby and waiting. It was the two of them at all. "Please enter the urn" planned by one hand.

  In my previous life, I took the bait like a foolish fish. I never thought that God would treat her so well and give her a chance to be born again. Since this is the case, today, there will be revenge for injustice and revenge for injustice!

  Chu Xiubai quickly swam over, he skillfully grabbed Li Beibei's shoulders from behind, and his lines were still the same as in his previous life: "Don't be afraid, with me here, I will definitely not let you get into trouble."
When I heard this sentence in my last life, I thought it was a **** coming, and I was so grateful, but now I hear it, I just feel hypocrisy and greasy, extremely disgusting!

  Chu Xiubai dragged Li Beibei and was about to swim to the shore, but suddenly Li Beibei grabbed his hair with his backhand.

  The next second, Li Beibei pressed his head hard into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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