To eternity

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The black car stopped by the big gate which eventually led towards the grave. A boy got out of car sadly holding two garlands in his hands. He visits this place once in a year. He straightly walked towards the tomb of his dearly parents. He put the sunflower bunch in each tomb and bowed towards it.
"Happy anniversary papa and dada and also happy birthday papa. It's been 10 years you left me and let's not talk about you dada I never saw you, only have slight memories of you. But it's fine I am not angry with you. It's our fate. Such a cruel fate nah.... We could never live like we all dreamed like. It's been long that you left me papa but I always miss you. And you dada please take care of my papa. I leave him in trust of yours. I never got to see you or see the way you love him, but listening to papa telling stories about you I know you were really good person and I am so proud of you both. I love you and I will come to meet you again."

"Venice come it's time to go now" it was Macau  who was holding little girl in his hands and a women who is now his wife with another baby boy in her lap.

It's time for me to go papa and dada. Today is also the 2 year's anniversary for uncle Macau. They are blessed with 2 adorable twins. Please be happy up there and keep blessing us. I miss you and love you both" at end his voice cracked little. And he waved his hands from his parents grave and went to the family waiting for him.

It's been 10 years that Pete left this world to be with his love Vegas. After Vegas death it was a big turn for minor family but pete stepped out to handle his husbands remaining. Pete wore the weeding ring prepared and also they had buried Vegas with the other ring. The funeral was so painful but gradually life came in track. Pete was in charge of everything in minor family. It was hard to take care of little Venice and business but Macau was there to help him. Everything was in track but Pete's health was detouring day by day due to lots of stress. Later on he was diagnosed with heart problem. Everyone was worried but pete used to say that it's time for him to meet with Vegas and that Vegas is waiting for him. After 8 years of fighting with the disease pete finally left the world to meet with his love.

The car drove back to where it came. But no one noticed two person sitting under the tree in each others embrace. They looked happy and satisfied.
You did great my  love, you really raised him well" Vegas said playing with the hair of his baby.
Nah Vegas we did great I know you were there for me to take care of him no one could see you but my heart knew you were there" Pete smiled holding Vegas face with his hands.

Vegas smiled and said "I love you to eternity my beloved Pete theerapankyul my one and only wife'
I love you my husband' Pete said and leaned for the best kiss ever.

Might be not every story can be completely sad 😊😊 I hope this ending is beautiful 😻

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