Was everything fake

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3rd pov

Why are you yelling in front of my house you crazy a$$.' Vegas shouted from the door
'You fucking asshole kidnapped my son and saying why I am yelling' roared Thakun.

For your fucking information I didn't kidnapped him he loves me so he is here if not go and ask him' : Vegas said feeling annoyed and frustration.

Pete was both angry and irritated with these two grown adults fighting like toddlers. With mentioning of his name he snapped and said angrily 'you two can you let me be happy in my peaceful life always fighting over minor things ,, gosh I am fed up with this. Vegas shut your mouth and go back to your room and mr thankun can you please stop treating Vegas like a shit he is my boy and I am here by my own wish I just want to follow my heart'. 
Listening to Pete Vegas felt proud and went to hug Pete but Pete was scared by sudden touch and he backed from the hug Vegas was giving. Vegas was sad by Pete's behavior but said nothing. He gently smiled and bowed apologizing for his behavior. Pete was shocked by Vegas doing and was ready to say something but Vegas cut his words and said ' Pete I am going to my room you can chitchat with my cousin. I am little tired I want to sleep'...... everyone present there were shocked with the situation but no one dared to say or do any thing.

'You are confused with your feelings Pete you need to realize that. Before it's too late but seems like it's already late. I sympathize with you my dear cousin but I promise to make it up to you when Pete broke this to you' Can you promise me that you will not do anything wrong with yourself we all need you' thankun said with tears in his eyes. But no one listened his words .He had this feeling since he saw Pete's facial expressions in hospital when Vegas said he loves him and want to marry him. There was something very unusal expression kind of tensed and confused feeling that was shown by Pete  one noticed this but nothing hides from thankun. From day onwards he had planned to bring out what Pete is feeling so as per today he did and now everything was Crystal clear for him. He felt pity for Vegas but also he was understanding  Pete's behavior no one can move forward easily.

Pete hurried back to Vegas room but found it locked from inside . He knocked several times but no one responded so he started to bang the door so loud that made the whole house in chaos. Nop the main bodyguard of Vegas came running to only find Pete banging the door. He asked Pete ' why are you banging the door so hard I thought enemies attacked us'.
But Pete was not in the situation to listen he asked the spare key from Nop so that he can enter.
'Vegas it's Vegas he is not opening the door I Am knocking for hours and he is not opening bring me the spare key asap' Pete said half crying and shouting.

Seeing Pete's condition Nop was worried and ran to bring key. As soon as Pete had key in his hand he  opened the door and entered. He could hear the taps of bathroom open with loud music and sound of shower . He hurried to the bathroom and saw Vegas taking shower. He was at ease when he saw Vegas safe but was flustered with naked body of Vegas in full display. He turned into red tomatoes so he quickly turned and said ' why were you not opening the door I was worried ? Don't do like this again' with this Pete ran out of the room.

Vegas pov

After listening to Pete's words I don't know y I felt like I am nothing to him. Our room changed into your room. Whenever I hugged him or touched him he acted as I am virus and he felt disgusted. I am a human being and I do feel every thing but I don't know y I  choose to be silent.might be because I cannot be without him. I can die but cannot be apart from him. Even if he choose to leave me in the end I would die first. I will be with you Pete until my last breathe and heart beat.

I  ran towards my room and cried . I felt like my heart was being ripped apart in slower way possible . I was having trouble in breathing and everything was becoming blur in my eyes I could feel my heart stop beating. But I was frightened with the loud knock in my door and could hear Pete yelling my name but it made my situation more worst. I could not breathe and couldn't stop crying. But when I heard Pete asking for spare key I was afraid to show how I felt I don't know why but now I felt like I couldn't be seen venerable by Pete I cannot be seen like this mess . I quickly plugged song in my phone and opened the taps on bathroom so he could believe me that I didn't hear the knocks and quickly went to shower so he could not see me cry.

Looking at Pete turning red by looking at me did nothing in me. Like if it was other time I could pulled him back and take him there but now I felt nothing. I had no expression in my face I don't know if he noticed or not but there was nothing in me like I was dead, Dead from every emotion and dead from soul and heart.

Pete pov

Seeing Vegas naked I felt embarrassed but  why didn't Vegas show any expression in his face. Whatever he might be shocked by how I entered in his bathroom . I would clear his confusion for my behavior but first let me go to met Porsche before he kill me.

After 20 min long drive Pete reached the cafe where Porsche was already waiting for him. And was glaring him for being late before Porsche began his rants Pete spoke ' I am really sorry for the delay but it was really important mater so don't shout at me please Mr theerapankyul.
There was light blush in Porsche face but both of them ignored and ordered for the soft drinks.
So speak up for what important mater you called me ' Porsche asked.
It's about you know how our relationship started with Vegas so it's goes same to you and kinn but you are in relationship like there was no problem before. I feel like I don't know how to say but just listen I do love Vegas but at the same time I feel like I don't want to be with him . I don't know it's confusing me to my soul.. I cannot express my feeling you understand right?...Pete answered being worried and sad.

Porsche who already knew about this smiled and said ' if you love then you love if you don't then don't you can try checking if you love him or not but there's one thing I need to warn you if you realize late that you love him. Then it may be trouble for you so do by heart not mind.

Pete was little convinced with the little talk with Porsche. He was ready to go back when he was stopped by some one from past .

' ohhh after long time little bun' that  man smiled and said.

Who do you think this man could be a friend , crush or admirer of Pete .

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