Chapter 2

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Nari woke up confused. The digital clock besides her bed read 10:35 a.m . I overslept, goddamn it. She was supposed to wake up at seven so she could go to the gym.

I guess I'll just go in the afternoon. She sighed sitting up on her bed and stretching her arms. After a few minutes of staring out of the huge window in her room she got out of bed before heading to the bathroom and freshening up.

She trudged into her kitchen yawning before making breakfast. Her phone rang startling her. Minjee?

She put down the butter knife she used to spread the avocado on her bagel. She answered the call before quickly putting it on speaker. "Hi~." She sang out. "Hi Nari, how are you?" Minjee, Nari's landlord asked.

"I'm doing amazing, what about you?" Nari responded taking her breakfast and coffee to the dining table and sitting down. "I'm good. Anyway I called to let you know that your neighbour is moving in on Friday." Minjee stated.

"Oh, thank you for letting me know." Nari said. She had four days until the guy moved in. Okay, that's more than enough time. She reassured herself.

"We'll talk again soon, bye." Minjee said. "Bye." Nari spoke before hanging up. She sighed before biting down on her toast. "Okay." She said to herself.

After finishing breakfast she got ready to go hangout with Chaewon, one of her best friends. "Hey," she said after picking up her phone. She was in the parking lot of her apartment walking to her car.

"Yes I'm on my way, I'll be there in ten." She unlocked it when it came into view before getting in the driver side and putting her purse and jacket on the passenger seat.

"Love you too." Nari said before hanging up and closing her door. She started her car before driving out of the car park.


"Girl! When I tell you I almost died yesterday." Nari's eyes widened at the thought of the previous day's events. "Oh yeah, what actually happened?" Chaewon asked sitting down on her couch next to Nari.

"Okay you know how I was out buying the anniversary gift?" Nari asked making Chaewon nod. "So Mathew was being an ass the whole time so I did the only thing I can think of."

"You cussed him out?" Chaewon asked raising an eyebrow. "I cussed him out." Nari nodded. "But get this, Jungkook was standing next to me the entire time." She continued.

"What!" Chaewon's eyes widened. "Exactly my reaction. But it didn't clock until after I left the store." Nari continued.

"I would say you're lucky but damn." Chaewon laughed as Nari finished telling her the story. "I wanted to kill myself to be honest. But on the bright side, I still met him." Nari sheepishly smiled shrugging her shoulders.

"Did you tell Mathew?" Chaewon asked picking up her phone from next to her. "No that bitch doesn't deserve to know." She answered playing with the safety pins on her necklace.

Chaewon let out a giggle at Nari's words. Her best friends relationship with her brother amused her. They were extremely close, telling each other everything and helping each other with anything.

But they always fought; although it was always as a joke. She wish she had that with her brother but he was always busy with work.

"Are you guys still not talking?" Chaewon asked. "I mean we are but I'm still pretending to be mad. I want him to buy me food before I completely 'forgive' him." Nari answered making air quotes with her fingers.

"Having you been talking to Neymar?"

"Oh yeah, Bruna called me yesterday and I got to talk to him. I talked about going back to France soon and Ney got so excited. God I miss them."

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