Chapter 36

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Argentina won the World Cup.

To say Nari was happy for her friend(?) Leo was an understatement. Though she fought a lot with Kylian, she was proud of him for at least getting to the finals.

But currently, she was in Italy for the final fitting of her wedding dress.

"Can you make the corset tighter, please?" Nari asked Lou, the designers' assistant. "Thank you." She thanked him as he pulled the corset tighter.

"This is so perfect." Nari breathed out amazed at her reflection in the full body mirror in front of her. "Are you still doing the Louboutins?" Lou asked. "Yes, the white ones I showed you."

"Alright, if everything goes as planned, the dress and veil will arrive in France in a few days at our branch in Nice. We'll send it out today." Lou put a hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you Lou." She smiled.

After leaving the headquarters, Nari walked out onto the street when her phone rang. "Hey babe." She answered with a smile.

"Are you done?" Nari asked looking around. Deciding to head into a book store to look around for a bit, Nari walked in the stores direction with her phone pressed up to her ear.

"Yeah, I'm on the way to you right now." Jungkook answered. He was in a cab on the way to D&G's headquarters which was on the other side of Milan. "I'm across the street at a book store, by the way." Nari said.

"I'll find you there."

After saying their goodbyes, Nari walked into the store and immediately made her way to the classic novels.

She picked up a copy of Dracula by Bram Stoker before turning it around to read the blurb. Deciding to buy it, Nari took the book with her to the mystery section and picking up a book that looked interesting.

While browsing for other ones that she thought she'd like, Nari felt a hand brush over her ass. "Hi." She softly smiled, looking back to see Jungkook.

He pressed a kiss on her cheek while holding her by her waist firmly. "Are you okay?" Jungkook asked turning Nari to look at her face. "I think so," She looked up at him. "I haven't felt like throwing up or anything so..."

She had been struggling with nausea for the past few days and instead of going to a doctor or treating herself, she decided to wait it out.

"Do you think that maybe..." Jungkook trailed off. Nari's eyes widened when she realised what he was implying.

"Oh God, I don't know." She panicked holding onto the books tighter. "But we've been relatively safe, right?" She looked up into his eyes.

"I think, yeah." Jungkook nodded after giving it some thought.

"Oh shit, remember that night in New York. New Year's Eve, we were tipsy so it could've been that night." Nari thought back to their trip to New York.

After spending New Year's Eve with Alex's family, they both got an Uber back to her parents' penthouse in Brooklyn and may have did more than just kiss.

"Fuck." Jungkook breathed out running a hand through his hair. "You know what, let me go pay for this and then we can contemplate." Nari said looking down at the books in her arms.

An hour later, Nari and Jungkook were sitting on the bed of their hotel room waiting for three minutes to pass. "I'm nervous." Nari muttered playing with her necklace.

Jungkook wrapped an arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to his body. "Whatever it says, we'll be fine." He reassured her. "We'll be fine." Nari repeated softly.

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