Chapter 21

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Dr. Kim Nari| @/KimNari
Listening to Cater2U and I'm starting to get destiny's child😭 eight year old Nari didn't get it but twenty four year old Nari gets it wholeheartedly
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User1| @/User
Girl why did you change your display name??
Dr. Kim Nari| @/KimNari
I got bored plus I need to get serious about life...I've been getting a shitload of new followers and my 'brand' is expanding
User2| @/KimNari
Quick somebody involve Nari in a scandal so she can change her display name into something stupid
Dr. Kim Nari| @/KimNari
Dont tempt me🫢
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"Wassup." Matthew nodded in acknowledgment when Nari stepped inside the rental car he hired. "The sky?" She retorted. "I'll leave you on the side of the road and you'll find a way to get to Calabasas alone." He threatened driving away from Nari's hotel.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh but I would."

"You're being a bitch and it isn't helping my anxiety." Nari countered glaring at her brother. "They're going to love you, you've already met Kylie and Kendall and they love you. You'll be great." Matthew reassured her.

"Any table rules I should know?" She asked. "Not really, anything goes." Matthew answered driving onto the highway. "Don't worry about it, Jennie."

Nari let out a breath and nodded. Twenty minutes later Matthew pulled into a mansion's driveway and Nari look around with wide eyes. "Now, whose house is this? It's fucking huge."

"It's Kris' house."

"What the fuck." Nari marvelled as Matthew parked next to a bunch of expensive cars. "Would it be invasive of me to ask Kris to adopt me?"

"Yes?" Matthew gave her a look.

"Are they filming?" Nari asked after they got out of the car. "No, they wouldn't film without informing you." Matthew answered as the walked to the front door.

He rang the doorbell and Nari fixed her ponytail while they waited for someone to open the door. The door opened revealing a woman with a smile. "Matthew, nice seeing you again."

"Likewise Sarah." Matthew gave her a smile. Sarah, Kris' assistant, then looked at Nari and smiled wider. "You must be the famous Nari, welcome."

Nari internally grimaced at the way the woman pronounced her name. "Please call me Jennifer." She pleaded. "Well, Jennifer," She said before turning to Matthew. "Matthew, follow me. Everyone is out in the patio."

They followed the brunette into the house and Nari couldn't help but admire the interior of the house. Everything looked expensive, from the artwork to the furniture.

Sure, her home in Marseille was big but not this big. A group of voices came from outside with occasional laughter in the conversation.

Matthew glanced at Nari who started fiddling with the lily charm on her necklace, a gift she had gotten from her grandfather when she turned six. He died six months later.  

He put a reassuring hand on Nari's shoulder who looked up at him. "Why are you so nervous? You usually like meeting new people." Matthew asked in French. "I don't know man, I haven't been in a room with full of billionaires before." Nari whispered.

"You're going to be fine."

Nari gave him a soft smile before facing Sarah who led them to the backyard. "Babe!" A voice called out. Kendall stood up from her seat on the long table.

Voices fade out as everyone turned to look at the siblings.

First thing Khloe noticed about Nari was how her big brown eyes darted over everyone's face, like she was scanning their faces. Second thing she noticed was how she played with the necklace on her neck.

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