Chapter 17

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"Hey guys, if you're new here welcome and if you are a returning subscriber, welcome back. Did you miss me? I'm sure you did." Nari introduced with a smile. She was filming on her dining table.

"Today's video is a long awaited QnA. A lot of people have been asking for one because y'all like being in my business so here is one."

Nari was holding her phone in hand while she had a water bottle on the table next to her. "I uploaded a thingy on my story so that's where I'm getting the questions from."

"Without further ado, let's get into the video."


"What are your full names?"

Nari read the question out loud before answering, "My Korean name is Kim Nari and my English name is Jennifer Kim."


"What languages can you speak?"

"I can speak English, Korean, Spanish and French fluently. I'm thinking of learning Portuguese or Italian." Nari answered.


"What place have you lived at?"

"I lived in South Korea for the first five years of my life, the next five I lived in France, Marseille. And then I lived in New York for three years from when I was ten to thirteen. Then we moved back to Korea when I started high school."

"An insane timeline of events." Nari said with a smile.


"Hi Nari, I'm in high school and I struggle with body image because I don't look conventionally attractive. How did you deal with self esteem in high school?"

"Oh my god, Hi." Nari gave the camera a sad smile. "I know this doesn't help but I didn't start dealing with that until Uni."

"But that doesn't mean I didn't struggle with it. When I started high school in Korea, I was younger than my classmates and I looked different. I was tan from being outside everyday with Alex in New York and a bit thick because tia Esmeralda made sure I eat."

"And bitches at school didn't like that I was," Nari said before adding air quotes. "Foreign."

"Essentially I was ostracised and had no friends and my 14 year old brain thought it was because I was ugly or something. So I grew to hate the way I looked but I met Chaewon in Uni and I started to realise that maybe I am pretty."

"It came gradually, it started from me liking the outfits I chose to me liking the way I applied makeup until I grew to love my features."

"What I'm trying to say is; Take care of yourself. Buy yourself cute clothes and play dress up in the mirror. Do your makeup at 3 a.m. if you can't sleep. I promise you, you'll end up feeling good about yourself."

"At least that is what worked for me." Nari shrugged.


"Who is your boyfriend?"

"If I tell you the earth will stop rotating in its axis." Nari smirked.


"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."

"Get the fuck outta here." Nari rolled her eyes.


"Have you ever pretended to not know a language so you can eavesdrop??"

"Uh of course, who do you think I am?" Nari asked with fake offense. "The conversation was technically about me so..."

"I was in Barcelona getting my hair done. I'm in the chair and these two women walk in the salon and sit in the bench behind me. And they start talking shit, not about me at first, but their convo strayed to me."

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