Chapter 15

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Nari really loved Jungkook. Every minute she spent with him felt like heaven on earth. He made her laugh until she couldn't breathe and he watched her with a soft look whenever she started ranting.

She smiled to herself and moved to play with the strands of Jungkook's hair. He was laying on her chest sleeping while Nari played with his hair.

It had been a month since they started dating and everything was going well. Nari finally went blonde though it was only for a short while because she wanted to dye her hair ginger.

Jihye's surgery was successful and because of that, the hospital started giving Nari minor surgeries. And it was Jungkook and Nari's birthday. They shared a birthday.

Nari bit on her lower lip suppressing the urge to yell, "Happy Birthday!" in his ear. She hoped he would wake up soon since she had a cake being delivered to the lobby and he was relatively heavy.

"Jungkook," Nari said gently tapping his shoulder. "It's time to wake up." Jungkook groaned snuggling closer into her chest. "C'mon dude, you're heavy." She whined trying to push him off but failing when his hold on her tightened.

"Are you calling me fat?" He asked with fake offence.

"Uhh yes, now get up." She retorted writhing in his grasp making him gasp. "I'm offended Jennifer." He said before rolling onto the bed. "You'll get over it."

"Birthday boy, you're finally twenty four."

"You're finally twenty four." Jungkook emphasised. "I can't believe I share a birthday with you." Nari breathed out. "I know, I know, it's like an honour."

Nari scoffed and rolled her eyes before sitting up. "More like it's an honour for you. Babe you're dating Dr. Kim Nari, a bad bitch if you ask me."

"Why would I ask you? That's biased, no?" Jungkook teased.

"You're obsessed with me and you know it, now wake up." Nari said while getting off the bed before pulling the covers off Jungkook. "You're right." He grinned. He stretched before getting off the bed.

After getting in the shower and getting ready for the day Nari got a text from the lobby telling her she had something waiting for her so she excused herself from making breakfast with Jungkook.

She greeted the security guard and clerk before taking the cake and walking back to her apartment. She entered the code to her apartment door before entering.

Nari held the box in her hands as she made her way to the kitchen. She was met with the sight of Jungkook holding a white and pink cake with a smile. "Stop! Cause I got you a cake." Nari exclaimed opening the box in her hand.

"We're going to be eating cake for the next week." Jungkook huffed out a laugh. "I'm not complaining." Nari shrugged placing the cake of the kitchen island.

"Thank you, mon ange." Nari smiled standing on her toes to kiss Jungkook. "No, thank you." He muttered against her lips.

"You'll get your gift at dinner and you better like it. I had to get on a waiting list and shit." Nari remarked. "A waiting list?" Jungkook perked up. "Mmh." She hummed while nodding.


"Hello?" Nari answered her phone bringing it up to her ear. "HA-"

"Oh my god! Jisung, what the fuck. You tryna make me deaf or something?" Nari groaned pulling her phone away from her ear. "Sorry, happy birthday Jennifer!" Matthew laughed.

"Thank you dumbo and thanks for the flowers."

"You'll get your gift in the mail soon. Spoiler alert, they're tickets to the Hayden Planetarium in New York." Matthew said. "Shut the front fucking door, you did what! Thank you so much."

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