Chapter 40

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Nari felt nervous. It was the day they were finally telling their family that in four months, there will be an addition to their family.

She stared out of the window as her mind drifted away while she absentmindedly traced the muscles on her husband's chest. Jungkook was still fast asleep while she laid her head on his chest despite the bright sun seeping through the window.

Nari was still undecided on what to prepare for the lunch, maybe Bibimpap or something else. A few minutes later, Jungkook stirred in his sleep. His groans reverberated through his chest, the vibrations calming Nari down.

"Good morning." He mumbled moving a hand to play with her scarlet hair. "Good morning baby." Nari smiled as she looked up from his chest. The corner of his lips lifted up as he brushed the hair in her face out of the way.

"We have to wake up." Nari said after pressing a kiss on his jaw. She sat up, facing the window with her bare back against Jungkook.

She felt the bed move as Jungkook also sat up beside her. "I'm so tired." Nari breathed out while she yawned. After getting out of bed, she wore a robe to cover her naked body as walked to the en-suite bathroom.

Jungkook watched as she slowly made her way to the bathroom. The silk material sat loosely on her body with one side of the robe falling off her shoulder.

She stopped in her tracks and looked back at him. "You aren't coming with?" Nari raised an eyebrow. Jungkook licked his lips and pulled the covers off his legs. He got of the bed and followed Nari into the bathroom before shutting the door behind him.

"Oh my-!" Nari exclaimed as Jungkook pulled off her robe. "Jungkook!" He wrapped an arm around her waist and buried his face in her shoulder. He breathed her in before rather aggressively kissing and sucking on her neck.

She covered her breasts with her arms from the cold air as she moaned softly. "What are you doing?" Nari asked in between breaths. "Touching you." Jungkook answered turning Nari around and picking her up before placing her onto the marble counter in between the two sinks.

"You never get tired, don't you? You're like a horny little man."

"Little?" He looked at her with an offended look.

"Big." Nari corrected herself with an innocent smile. "My bad." She said as he kissed on her neck.

A few hours later, Nari was in the kitchen of their penthouse answering emails while waiting for the potatoes in the oven to bake. She softly hummed to herself as she read an email from Louis Vuitton asking her to model some clothes for a magazine shoot.

"I should really get a manager." She muttered before typing a reply agreeing to do it because why not plus she was getting a huge bag for it. Nari was pulled out of her focus when then timer on the oven went off.

She got off the barstool and made her way to the other side of the kitchen island. Nari heard the door of the penthouse open and a deep voice humming softly.

At first, she thought it could've been Jungkook but he had just left to pick up his parents from the airport

"Jennifer Jeon!" A familiar voice called out from the foyer. "Matthew? Is that you?" Nari asked putting the hot pan on the empty space on the stove top. "Yup yup yup!" He said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Goodness gracious, you look a mess." Matthew threw his head back with a laugh. "Matthew stop, that's mean." Nari whined taking the mittens of her hands and throwing them at his face. "I'm about to change."

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