Chapter 1

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You were walking home while carrying the groceries you had bought for dinner tonight, you tried your best to hide the bruises on your arms and legs, so you wore leggings and a long sleeve shirt, despite it being really warm today. As you walked home you saw your husband's car drive passed you, then you started to panic and you sped walked the rest of the way. You snuck in the back door which is where the kitchen was and started putting groceries away quickly. Once finished you were able to start doing dishes when you hear the front door burst open, and then slam shut.

"WHERE ARE YOU, YOU FUCKING WHORE?!?!" you heard from the living room.

You dried your hands quickly and headed towards the living room before being struck to the ground, your ears ringing while you tried to catch your breath. You looked up at the man you thought you fell in love with, his broad muscular shoulders and toned skin, his black hair slicked back with gel, and his amber eyes that were once kind and gentle, were now filled with rage. You stared up at him while he yelled at you, yet you couldn't hear what he was saying over the ringing phone. 'Wait.. Phone?.. It sounds like a rotary phone.. its.. coming from the attic..' You thought as you looked at the ceiling, before getting kicked in the stomach and curling in a ball.

After your husband walked away you stumbled up to your feet then headed towards the stairs, climbing up them while trying to stay on your feet. You then pulled down the ladder and climbed up into the attic, before closing the ladder behind you so your husband doesn't find you. You looked around to see where the ringing was coming from, before starting to get closer to the sound. You stopped once you saw your old TV and VHS player, and so did the ringing. You opened a box that was labeled "WH" and started tearing up once you saw the tapes inside.

You smiled as you took out the first tape and looked over it while the nostalgic memories of your childhood washed over you, you started to hook up your TV to a nearby plug along with your VHS player. You then turned them both on to see if they still worked, and smiled more when they did. You slipped the tape into the player then waited for the episode to start, wondering how it'll be after all these years.

The screen lit up in bright colors as the words "Welcome Home" appear on it, you smile giddily like you did when you were a kid. Then a familiar puppet appears on the screen and has a calm smile on his face while his eyes were half-lidded. He was wearing a blue cardigan with yellow bordering and buttons, a white undershirt, a red necktie, vertically striped rainbow pants, and white-and-blue dress shoes with hearts on their soles. He had a golden complexion, and blue hair styled into a tall, spiraled pompadour.

"Welcome back, Neighbor.. We've all missed you so.. Are you ready for a new Adventure?" The puppet asked, then paused.

You knew that it was part of the show, it was kind of like Dora. You smiled and nodded, then the puppet's face lit up a little.

"Great, let's start with introductions! Hi.. I'm Wally.. Wally Darling, and your name?" He asked, then paused again.

"Wally.. oh yeah, that's right!.. Wally Darling!.. Heh.. I never thought I could remember.. I remember everyone's names now.." You smiled while reminiscing.

"Oh, how lovely.. I can't wait to start this adventure with you, Neighbor.." You hear Wally say then looked back at him.

He was smiling, like usual. Yet you couldn't help but feel like he had heard you, 'oh well.. it's just a show.. right?' you thought then scooted a bit closer to the TV and watched as Wally and the other neighbors had an adventure. It was so interesting that you didn't want it to stop, but it did.

"Unfortunately, Neighbor.. The sun is setting, so we must part ways.. Me and the fellow Neighbors enjoyed seeing you back here and we hope you'll be back soon!.. Good night, Neighbor.." Wally said as he walked into his house while waving at the camera.

You smiled sadly as you waved back at him then the tape popped out of the VHS player, signaling the end of the episode. You took the tape out carefully and set it back in the box, then took out the second episode before hearing a bang downstairs and your husband shouting. You set down the tape gently on the VHS player then headed back out of the attic, before closing the ladder and heading down to start making dinner.

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