Chapter 2

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 You woke up early and made your husband breakfast in bed with a coffee, then headed up to the attic after he left for work. You were so excited to see the next episode that your husband questioned why you were so happy, you didn't tell him though. Fortunately, because your husband wanted to control the money and keep an eye on you, you're a stay-at-home wife. Meaning you can watch these episodes instead of having to worry about a work schedule, although you still have to clean the house, you'll watch an episode first then do the chores before coming back to watch the third episode.

You slid the tape into the VHS player then waited for the colorful words to appear on the screen, eager to see your childhood in the bright hues. When they did you smiled and squeaked a little, very excited when Wally appeared on screen.

"Welcome back, Neighbor!.. I didn't expect you to be back so soon.. I've missed you.. Today we're going to go help my good friend Poppy Partridge bake a few treats, won't that be fun?" He asked and tilted his head, then paused.

"That sounds lovely, I can't wait to see what you make!.." You reply.

"Splendid!.. Let's head over now!" Wally responded immediately, then headed down the path and around towards a barn before knocking.

Poppy opened the door and looked down at Wally with a nervous but happy smile. Standing at around 7-8 feet with a red, pear-shaped body, large orange feet, big multicolored wings, a long neck covered in rainbow ruffles, and a small, circular head with a rainbow mohawk of feathers. She had a sharp, yellow beak with a blue mouth and a lighter blue tongue. Along with a Poka-dotted shawl around her shoulders.

"A-Ah.. Wally.. Dear, welcome.. are you and Neighbor ready to start baking?.. I h-have a new recipe that I would love your help with.." She asked.

"We would love to help you bake, Poppy.. mind if we come inside?" Wally asked, then it cut into the next scene where we were in Poppy's kitchen and with baking supplies.

"What are we making for the neighbors today, Poppy?" Wally asked the timid bird.

"T-today we're making a steamed ca-carrot pudding.. I left out one and a ha-half stick of butter out to so-soften along with two eggs to get to room temperature.. so we could start right a-away.. we put that in a mixing b-bowl.. then add a half a c-cup of sugar and mix it with this mixer.." Poppy explained while showing Wally and the viewer how.

"Wow.. it already looks delicious and it's not even done yet.." Wally said, then glanced at the camera with his calm smile, before reverting his attention back to Poppy.

"N-next you need to b-beat the eggs with the vanilla.. Wally can you do this for me?.." Poppy asked then handed the bowl to Wally.

"Why certainly.." He said then started beating the eggs.

"N-now we're going to add the dry ingredients to another bowl.. which is.. one cup of all p-purposed flour, a teaspoon of b-baking powder, a teaspoon of baking s-soda, a te-teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon o-of ground cinnamon, h-half a teaspoon of gr-ground nutmeg, f-fourth a teaspoon of ground cl-cloves.. A cup of u-uncooked and unpeeled po-potatoes, a c-cup each of raisins and ch-chopped dates, and a cup o-of sh-shredded peeled ca-carrots.. mix it all t-together.." Said Poppy.

"This is all so exciting, Poppy.. I can't wait to taste it with you and the fellow Neighbors.." 

"Th-thank you dear.." 

Poppy then stopped the mixer and slowly started adding the dry ingredients to the mixture, until it was all in and mixing, then she took the beat eggs and vanilla and added that and had it all mixing. She then grabbed a sauce pan and put it on the stove before adding a half a cup of sugar, 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, another fourth a teaspoon of salt, 2 cups of cold water, fourth a cup of butter cubed, 2 and a half teaspoons of vanilla extract, and a dash of ground nutmeg, mixing it all together. Wally helped her by putting the mixed batter in a pudding mold and putting it on the rack in a stockpot, adding an inch of boiling water and leaving it there for 1 and a half of an hour, but they cut that scene. They let it stand for 5 minutes before taking it out of the mold, then putting the vanilla sauce over it.

"A-And that's how you make a st-steamed carrot pu-pudding!.. Let's go share it with the neighbors now.." Poppy said.

"I agree, unfortunately Neighbor, that concludes the adventure for today.. it was nice seeing you again and I hope you can be back soon!.. Bye-bye now!.." Wally said then waved at the camera.

You waved back as you smiled then got up and took the tape out before gently putting it back in the box, then took out the third and put it on the VHS player. You then got up and headed back down and started cleaning, before starting to make the pudding to see if your husband would like the old-fashioned yet unique dish as much as you enjoyed watching it be made. 

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