Chapter 6

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It was dark, pitch black even as you opened your eyes and looked around. You sat up and realized you weren't in the attic, but in a void of darkness instead. You frantically looked around, to see if things could clear up in your vision. Then you saw it, a light in the distance. You started moving towards it quickly as it got brighter, when you saw what the light was coming from you thought you were losing your mind.

"What?.." you asked silently.

It was a little TV, full of static. 'What the hell is going on?..' you internally asked, you had no idea what was going on and you wanted answers. You looked around at the area surrounding the TV, the light from it sure wasn't making this area seem any clearer. Not even a minute later, you started to hear someone singing in the void you were in. It was soft, and the voice sounded really familiar as it got closer to you.

"Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me,
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee,
Sounds of the rude world heard in the day,
Lull'd by the moonlight have all passed away..
Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody,
Gone are the cares of life's busy throng..
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me,
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me.." Sang the voice.

"Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. Did you like my song, Neighbor?.. Barnaby taught it to me.." You heard, making you freeze then turn around quickly and be face to face with Wally.

"How-.. What?.." You questioned.

"Oh, come now, Neighbor.. You mustn't leave me in suspense.. Did you like my song?.." He asked again.

"I.. I did.. but how are you here? how are you.. standing right in front of me?.."

"Very simple, Neighbor!.. We're in your mindscape of course!.. This is nothing but a dream.."

"A dream?.. but.. it seems so realistic.."

"Mindscape dreams do tend to have that effect, I have them all the time.. Now.. I have something very important I want to ask you, Neighbor.." 

"Oh, sure.. ask away, Wally.."

"How would you like to live with me, in the Home Neighborhood?.. Away from that disgusting human being you call your husband.."

You stared, you didn't think that was possible. 'How would I even get there?..' You asked internally. If you were a kid you would jump at the opportunity, now that you're an adult you actually have to think about the pros and cons on this offer. 'Pros of this situation, I'd get to get away from my abusive husband and I'd get to live out my childhood dreams.. Cons of this is that he might break into the attic and destroy all of my tapes..' you thought, then looked at Wally. He was smiling at you calmly like he usually did in the show, and you didn't like these thoughts, but you found him rather attractive.

"Look.. Wally.. I really love your show and it's a dream come true if it's possible to actually become part of it!.. But is it okay if I think on this a little more?.. I'll watch up to episode ten then give you my answer, and if something bad happens before that I'll call your name as a signal to bring me over there.. okay?.." you asked him.

"Of course, Neighbor.. Take all the time you need to think through this.. Remember, until you hear me again, keep your smile merry and always know that I love you very much... Goodbye" He replied while his eyes dilated.

You jolted awake and looked around while softly panting, realizing you were still in the attic you calmed down. You look out the small round attic window and see that it's pitch black out, you check your watch and see that it's 3:33am. 'Wow.. Was I really out for that long?.. I'm surprised Axle didn't get into the attic during that time..' you thought as you looked over and saw the pipe holding the ladder closed. You sighed and sat up, then saw a plate with sliced apples, a piece of steamed carrot pudding, and a small kid-like drawing of Wally on it. 'Odd.. but.. food is food..' you thought, then grabbed the food and ate it.

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