Chapter 5

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When you finished making dinner, you plated it and went over to the couch. You set down the plates in front of the TV and waited for your husband, wondering which episode he would choose to watch. Not long after you hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and then your husband sits next to you and takes out tape 5, before putting it in the VHS player and grabbing his plate of food and waiting for the episode to start. You grabbed your plate and leaned back a little against the couch, while the colorful words of Welcome Home return to the screen.

You zoned out as Wally appeared on screen and started talking, you thought back to earlier today when the TV glitched. It was the strangest thing you ever saw, and you didn't remember it being part of the episode. You especially didn't remember having a toy phone that was from the show either, this was all so confusing and you wondered what it meant. You felt something nudge you, and you look at your husband.

"The TV is acting up, it doesn't pause and the Puppet is just staring at the camera.." He complained.

You looked at the TV and your husband was right, Wally was staring at the camera. His pupils were dilated, and his smile was a bit more concerned. You grab the remote and rewind the tape to the beginning, then the episode plays normally like it should. You look at your husband and shrug, then continue to watch the episode without zoning out again.

"Welcome back, Neighbor.. It's so nice to see your lovely face again!.. Today we're going to play some games with my good friends Julie, and Barnaby.. Say hello, friends!.." Wally said.

"Heya Neighbor, Good to see you!" Barnaby said.

"Hi friend!! I can't wait to play with you!" squealed the female monster puppet.

The female puppet known as Julie was a little bit shorter than Wally, she has salmon skin, downturned, oval-shaped eyes with black pupils and two eyelashes on each eye. Her eyebrows are small and black, her nose is round and orange. Julie has long, tick blonde hair that was held back with a white headband. She wore a poofy red dress with a pink and yellow outline, a white belt, green fading into blue stockings, and white dress shoes. She also had a cute yellow scarf-tie, and round pyramid horns that were yellow-orange and orange stripped.

"She's kind of cute.. Maybe her and that Wally puppet are together.." Your husband commented.

"No.. the only couple in the show that was actually heard of is the mailman, Eddie, and the insect expert, Frank.. no one else is known of to be in a relationship.. Poppy's husband is dead so.. he's buried behind her barn in the forest.." you explained to him.

"Ugh.. Of course.. This show approves gay shit.. Now I see why you liked it as a kid.. The puppets are freaks just like you are.. No wonder.."

You stayed silent as you continued to watch the TV, not wanting to anger your husband and get hurt. As the episode progressed, you realized that Wally gazed at the camera more than usual. You didn't think much of it, so you didn't pay attention to it. You finished eating and so did your husband, so you took the plates to the kitchen and cleaned them. Once finished you walked over and sat on the couch, then realized that your husband wasn't there.

"Axle?.." you asked as you looked around.

You saw a hand cover your eyes and you gasped, before trying to get the hand off of you.

"Shh.. it's just me.." You heard your husband say.

"Oh.. sorry.. What are you doing?.." you replied.

"Having some fun.." 

You didn't like how he said that, his voice sounded so menacing. You felt his hand move and turn while he walked around the couch and stand in front of you, then you felt him move you to be laying on the couch while the sound of Welcome Home played in the background. You felt his other hand tread up your side and grope your chest, then you felt him on top of you while you started to squirm.

"No.. No please.. I don't want this." you pleaded.

"Oh calm down, it'll be over soon.. Stop being such a wimp.." he said.

You struggled against him while he started to feel your body, he forced you to stay down on the couch and he kept his hand over your eyes. You wanted to get out from underneath him, to run and hide. You tried all you could, then you mustered all your strength and kicked him off you. You got up and looked at him and saw that he was out cold, then you got off the couch and started moving the TV, VHS player, toy phone, and tapes back to the attic. When you got it all in the attic, you lock the attic ladder shut and in place by putting a metal pipe through it.

You plug the TV and VHS player into the closest socket then turn it all on before turning the volume down, you resume the episode and scream a bit when you see Wally right in the screen. You sat up as the TV glitched back to the episode, Barnaby doing hopscotch while Wally and Julie watched. You calmed down as you continued to watch, loving that you could have some peace and quiet, to enjoy watching your show by yourself. When Barnaby finished, it was Julie's turn.

"Man, I tell yah.. I aint as energetic as I once was.. and that's saying something, cause I'm still a pup!" Barnaby said, making Julie giggle.

"Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. Oh Barnaby.." Wally said.

When Julie finished, it was Wally's turn. Barnaby joked, Julie giggled, and Wally was concentrated on not falling. 

"I wish I could be that carefree.. to be able to play games, spend my days in a childhood paradise.. Not have to worry about the stress of this toxic life I'm living.. It would be a dream.." you commented as Wally finished.

Wally then turned to look at the camera again as Barnaby did his turn again, he stared a bit longer this time. Of course, you always paid attention when Wally stared at the camera, like you silently hoped he would start talking to you. You stared back at him while smiling sadly, then you lifted your hand and waved a little. Wally copied the motion, making your eyes widen and stare more.

"Hey Wally! Tag! You're it!" Julie said as she and Barnaby ran away, Wally snapping out of it and chasing after her.

You continued to watch the TV until realizing that you were getting tired, you looked around and found some old thick blankets. You folded them and made a little mattress for yourself in front of the TV, and as the episode came towards the end, you fell asleep.

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