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Georginas pov:

While i was on the balcony floor with my head in my knees. It was silent. Until i heard something. The door slid open. I looked up and saw it was tom. He rubbed his eyes and his face looked sleepy. "Hey, why you awake?" I said in a soft and quiet voice. "I could ask you the same thing" tom replied with a sleepy, deep voice.

I got butterflies as i heard his sleepy, deep voice. I stopped myself and look back at him and replied back "sorry, i don't know whats going on, i just cant sleep right now. Its weird." He looked down at me and then sat down next to me. "Oh, maybe you just need to relax? I don't know. Ill sit with you until you feel tired if you want." Tom replies back in the sleepy tone.
I smiled and looked up at him "aw thank you tom, your such a nice friend"

i don't know why i did that... why did i call him a friend..i actually have a crush on him...

Toms pov:

She called me a friend. I need tell her i like her.. i don't know when and how. Should i tell her now? Or tomorrow? Hm.. maybe now? Ok..

"Georgina.." i say to her
"Yes?" She replies
"Okay..i need to tell you serious. Its been on my mind for a while
Now. I don't want it to ruin our friendship but i really need to lift the weight off my shoulders." I say. She looks at me with concern and worry but tries to hide it. "Yeah..?" She says. I then carry on "okay, uhm. So...ive liked you for a  long time now.your gorgeous,funny,fantastic,cute, and amazing. I like you and was wondering if You wanted to be more than friends.." i look at her with worry waiting for her reply.

She looks shocked but a smile creeps on her face. "Tom.." she reply's. "I actually feel the same way..i didn't know how
To tell you..but yeah! I would love to be more than friends. She looks so happy and cute. Im speechless and also happy. I pull her in for a warm and tight hug.

Georginas pov:

That was crazy! He just asked me to be his
Girlfriend!! Im so happy. He pulled me in for a hug and i was so happy. "I- i love you tom.." i say while in the hug. "I love you too Georgina" he replies With a Soft voice.

We let go of the hug after a few minutes and we just sit next to each-other staring at the dark,silent night.

Toms pov:

(Time skip, now 4:30am)

We have been sat on the balcony for a little bit now. Georgia looks like she could fall asleep any minute now. Her face cute and tired. Her head flops onto my shoulder and she falls asleep. I look at her cute face. I then stand up and pick her up bridal style. I carry her to the bed and i tuck her in. I walk around to my side of the bed and tuck myself in. I wrap my arms around Georginas waist and hold her close. I fall asleep as-well. Im so glad shes my girlfriend now, i love her so much.

End of chapterrrr <3

(I didn't read it through so sorry for mistakes)
Heyyy surprise surprise i posted! whoop whoop go me! Anyway, sorry for ranting but school has been so sh¡t and horrible. But if i just get through this week ill be fine. Im writing this at 10:20pm rn. I live in the uk (sadly) and it's literally been raining and tbh i like it bc i hate the sun lol. Anyway. Sorry this chapter is short and if Your lucky enough i might post tomorrow. I finish school at 3:10pm (uk time) so it will be between 4-5 that ill start writing and idk when ill upload but yeah, omg this is so long sorry. BYE LOVE YOU ALL! <3

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