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Toms pov:

"Good girl" i said to her. She blushed and i saw it clearly. She looked so cute.

After a little while, she finished her sandwich and we arrived at the arena. Georgina fell asleep after she ate her sandwich and her head was on the table. I gave her a soft nudge. "Georgina, come on. Its time to go. We are here darling." U said. She begins to slowly wake up and she just looks so cute and adorable.

Georginas pov:

I begin to wake up after feeling toms warm hands on me and calling my name gently. I saw him staring at my face and i giggled softly, my voice sleepy. "Hey, we here already?" I said. "Yes darling, yes we are" tom laughed. We both get up, i stretch and grab my bag. So does tom.

We walk towards the front of the tourbus.
Tom tries so hold my hand while walking behind me and i give him a quick look as if to say 'they will see' . Tom understood and smiled at me. "Hey how come you two were sat in the back?" Bill says standing in-front of his seat with his bag over his shoulder. "Oh we just wanted to sit at the back were it was more quiet because..uh Georgina had a headache." Tom says scratching his head as he saves us from the truth. "Okay!" Bill says with a cute oblivious smile.

Gustav and Georg look suspicious but try brush it off and walk behind us. We walk into the arena and get welcomed by the team. "Hey, how are ya?" One member says. "Good" we all say. The team shows us around. Theres a huge stage and a dressing room for tom,bill,Gustav and Georg. I don't have one obviously because
Im not apart of the band. I just sit in Georgs with him (because we are siblings obviously). Georg gets ready for the concert and i just sit scrolling through my phone. Then, theres a knock on the door. "Georgina can you get that please" Georg says.

I open the door,its tom. "Oh uh..hey" i say to tom, looking behind to Georg and then back at him. "Hey love" tom whispers so Georg cant hear. "Hey, uh why are you here?" I say with a smile "well i was gonna tell Georg that we have an hour until the concert starts but..your here so, wanna hang out?" Tom says with a slight smirk and a cute smile. "I giggle gently and look back at Georg,

"hey georg im just going to hang out with tom for a but before the concert, you have ah hour!" I shout to him. I turn to tom and blush "lets go" i reply. Tom looks happy and grabs my hand and i slam the door Behind me. Tom leads me to his dressing room and locks the door. I giggle and look at him. "Someones happy to see me" i say. "Mhm very, love" tom says. Out of nowhere he grabs my face and smashes his lips into mine. Im shocked at first but then i blush and don't pull away. It then turns into a make-out sesh.

Its been 15 minutes 😬🤭

Tom looks at me, out of breath. Im sat on his lap and his hands are on my waist. A smirk grows on his face. "What" i say with a laugh. "Your just gorgeous, my love" tom replies, looking down at my body and then back at my face. "Oh thank you." I reply.

End of chapter <3


Hey sorry this chapter was short and kinda cringe. I have school tomorrow 🙄. I have a school break on the 20th October so hopefully there will be more chapters. But Ill try post as much as i can, there will be a little bit of drama in this story but it will be sorted and stuff! Also i live in the uk so sorry about the post times And stuff! Its 10:02pm writing this rn. Love you guys. Hope u like
This story <3 🫶❤️

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