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TW: Panic attack/Claustrophobia/blood/cuts/abuse

Toms pov:

As soon as georgina mentioned that we shouldn't tell Georg i instantly agreed. Georg will go mad if he finds out...

Georginas pov:

It was silent, tom and me knew we shouldn't tell Georg. bill just looked confused. "I dont understand why its such a big deal to tell georg" bill says, his arms crossed. I sigh "ill speak about it tomorrow, lets get some rest because I'm too tired for this" i say, rubbing my eyes. Tom places an arm around me, he can tell I'm stressed. "Yeah we will explain tomorrow bill, georgina needs some sleep. Its all too much right now." Tom says, looking up at bill. I think bill understood and he left "ok, goodnight" he says while walking out. I let out a big sigh and tom looks at me "you need to rest ma, you should feel better tomorrow. And its the concert tomorrow so it will be fun..".  When he said that I remembered he doesn't know about me singing yet so i had to pretend that it wasn't happening. "Oh yeah" i said.


*the next morning*

Me and tom woke up and got dressed. When i was in the bathroom doing my makeup in the mirror. i saw tom staring at me, his arms crossed and leaning his body against the door frame. He was smiling. "What?" I giggle. "You don't need that makeup babe" he says, walking towards me. He then stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I blush and he rests his face on my shoulder. I carry on doing my makeup and he just stays there.

I finish my makeup and we get ready to leave to the venue. "Im excited to see you backstage later" tom smiles as we walk to meet everyone downstairs at the tourbus. "Me too, ill give you a big hug" i lie. Yes i can do that but i will be on stage singing..

We get downstairs and meet the others. "You guys ready?" Bill says. "Yup!" Me and tom say. We get into the tourbus and tom drags me to the back while the others sit at the front. Bill messages me,

Bill: heyyy, i know we are literally on the same vehicle but tom took you away from me so I'm messaging. Anywayy, have you practiced singing? 🫶

Me: omg hii, yeah he wanted to sit at the back with me because he's literally like a child and wanted to look outside. Anyway, yes I've practiced and hopefully its good enough. Im so excited to sing with youuu! Xxx

Bill: okayy girlll, love ya 🖤🎤

*time skip, at the venue*

We arrive at the venue and as we walk in the team members already start talking to bill,Georg,tom and Gustav about setting up and whats going to happen. They show us the stage and its huge, and they said there would be 65 thousand people attending which is absolutely crazy. "Thats amazing" bill said, he looked very happy.

A few minutes later everyone decided to get ready ready for the concert even though it was in 2 hours. Me,bill and tom are in a dressing room together and i stand up from the couch and say "ill need the toilet, ill be back"

i lied..
I'm just nervous but im going to the toilet to go calm down..

"Yeah thats quick though" bill winked at me as if to tell me to be back in time to practise singing. I understood and nodded my head "yeah i will". Tom just smiled and i then left to go find the toilets, the venue was huge so i was a bit lost.

I was walking through a hallway when suddenly i felt a pair of hands on my mouth and i got pulled into a small closet. I was trying to scream but it was muffled. I then got slammed against the wall and i saw who it was.

Josh and bella...

I was terrified of what was going to happen. They just smirked and laughed. They covered my mouth with a bandanna and pinned me against the wall "well well well...look who we have here" bella said. "Haven't seen you in ages love.." josh said with a smirk. I tried to kick him but my legs were also tied up as well as my hands. "I guess your little tommy cant save you now.." bella laughed. She then pulled out a small pocket knife and started to slit my wrists. I cried in pain and screamed for help. Nobody could hear me. After a few seconds Bella put the knife away and smirked as the blood dripped off my wrists. "This is fun" josh said. They then walk out of the closet and turned the light off so i was in the a small room..all alone...

It started again...

I couldn't control my breathing, i was sweating, i could feel my body shaking. I was able to slip the robe off my hands and then i could pull the bandanna off my mouth. I realised my phone was in my pocket and i grabbed it. "Shit" is all i could say, it was on 2%. I quickly called the first person i could think of, tom. He answered straight away "georgina? You okay?" He said, slightly panicked. I couldn't speak very well because of losing some blood and being in the middle of a panic attack. My voice was low and shaky. "Closet....h-help-" is all i could say. "What?! Georgina?!" Tom shouted, my phone then died. I fell to the ground and had given up. I thought i was going to die.

Toms pov:

"SHIT,FUCK NO" i shouted as the call ended. Her Phone must of died. I was so scared, what happened to her? Bill heard me on the phone and was panicking too. "She said closet..shes in one of the cleaner closets i think!" bill said, trying to find hope. We both ran out of the dressing room and began to search for her. I ran to Georgs room, it may of been a bad decision but after all he is her big brother.. i explained everything that had just happened and me,bill and Georg then all ran to go find her. We then split up. I found a hallway of 3 doors, all closets. I slammed the first one open, nope. Second one, nope. Third,yes! I found her. Oh my god i was shocked. She was on the floor with bruises on her face and her wrists all bloody. She was struggling to breathe. I held her in my arms and hugged her "I'm here, I'm here, baby please..breathe. I'm Im here now, breathe"

she started to calm down. I saw he legs were tied up so i untied them. A bandanna was around her neck that must of been around her mouth. God i felt so bad. This was horrible. I stroked her hair and drowned her face with kisses. "Baby please tell me everything that happened" i say..

She sighs "okay.."

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