Chapter 27

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I never realized how much of a taskmaster Jun was until it came to start packing. Hannah and Tom were nice enough to come over and help, while bringing a few more empty boxes with them.

Once they got here Jun assigned each of us a room and assignment. Hannah started on kitchen stuff, what to donate and what looked like it has sentimental value. Tom was placed in the living room to organize and pack all the movies and records I had. I would work on the bedroom, and Jun would hit the bathroom.

We would work from 1pm to 3pm, break, then work again from 5pm to 7pm.

"Jun, this is supposed to be fun," I scoffed hearing the plan.

He rolled his eyes. "It will be, and efficient."

I don't know why I didn't expect him to have an amazing work ethic being one of the most sought-after actors in South Korea. Probably because he had been avoiding any smell of work since I showed up.

He told Bo-ra he would start looking at roles again once I got settled in at his place. In fact after the incident with the box, he was looking into getting a whole new place. A place that would be ours, not just his.

"Is there some kind of incentive to keeping this schedule?" asked Tom looking at my wall of CDs and records.

"Thank you for mentioning Tom. Yes, dinner and margaritas are on me tonight," said Jun. He handed everyone a box with the most commercial smile. He was a little too excited to get this going.

The promise of dinner and drinks sold Hannah and Tom enough. They shuffled over to their assigned places and started working as soon as they got their box.

"Since you're in the business of incentives, are you giving out any other rewards tonight?" I asked just loud enough for just Jun to hear. Dinner and margaritas were cool but I've wanted something else since that night after my parents.

He chuckled and licked his lips, taking a half step towards me. Lifting my chin up to him with his index finger, he grinned and said "Let's see how well you do." With a warmth to his voice.

I bit my lip with excitement and rushed off to my bedroom to started on my clothes. Separating them into three piles on my bed: Keep, donate, and Jayla.

Jun went into my tiny bathroom organizing my hair products in one pile, skin care in another, and cleaning products in another. Glancing at him, he was fully focused once again. Glued into his task. Taking it so seriously.

We worked like this until 3pm, when it was time for our allotted one hour break.

I shockingly had alot done in those three hours while Jun was practically finished. He said he would help me with the rest of my clothes. I had my tiny walk in closet left.

Hannah was halfway through her task, while Tom only had a quarter left. I guess Jun's system was working.

"So are we limited to the type of margaritas or is this a free for all kind of thing? Asked Hannah clasping her hands together.

We all chuckled. "It's a free for all. Get anything you want," said Jun before drinking a bottle of water.

A little bit missed his mouth and slid down his neck. He wiped his mouth and neck, looking at me watch him. A grin slyly appeared in the right corner of his mouth.

I looked away and stood up from the couch with the sound of the alarm going off from Jun's phone.

"Ok, break's over," I said rushing back to my room to not get myself started with thoughts.

Except for the clothes I brought with me, my dressers were completely cleaned out. Boxes stacked in the corner, labeled appropriately. I was kind of proud of myself. It was just a that closet next. Filled with clothes and shoes from so many years, I thought to myself that I should've started there first.

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