Chapter 28

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Y/n's pov
"after a whole week of heather being on my case plus the crappy challenges i'm so happy we're having a party" I smile while doing my makeup, "For real girl, i didn't think we were both gonna make it, i thought one of use would get voted out because that's just our luck" Gwen chuckles as she puts on mascara before i get up and grab some shot glasses and a small half bottle of vodka aswell as my straighteners. "pre drinks?" i ask gwen as i plug in my straighteners before sitting back down next to her infront of the mirror, "hell yeah!" Gwen smiles before she pours us both a shot and i continue to straighten my hair. Once we're both done and are just about to go get changed into our costumes i spot lindsay in a beautiful small black dress with some cat ears on, she's so pretty. i quickly put on some small ripped black jean shorts with ripped up tights underneath as well as a small black boob-tube before putting on some sunglasses and a police hat and putting some hand cuffs on my shorts, and then go back into the cabin to get Gwen, we were matching and we convinced Trent and duncan to dress as prisoners, Duncan didn't like the idea but eventually caved and lended Trent one of his spare orange juvie jumpsuits. Me and Gwen take another shot before heading off to the warehouse everyone was at. We enter to see the place was booming with music and drunk people, even heather was being chill for once. "What the fuck are you wearing?" i hear duncan say from behind me as he places his hands on my waist, trailing them up and down, "Bit short is it not" He adds, "It's a party" i groan, "a party filled with dudes" He glares, "keep whining and i'll cuff you and leave you outside"i threaten half heartedly as he chuckles, "let's go get a drink" Duncan says and i turn to tell gwen but she's gone, must've went to go find trent. Me and Duncan go over and start filling our cups up.

                          {a few drinks later}
After i start too feel the alcohol hit i speed up, taking shot after shot before grabbing another cup and filling it with vodka to walk around with as the music blares, "Hey" A voice whispers into me ear as i smirk, "Hey emo" i giggle as i hear Duncan chuckle back before he places his arms around my hips as i spin around to kiss him i realise it's.. It's fucking Justin!? "Oh shit! get off!" i spit out quickly before shoving him off, "Hey what's your problem!?" Justin yells as i walk away from him a little startled, Where's Duncan? as i'm walking around i spot Gwen and Trent making out on some dusty old couch before someone grabs my wrist and pulls me into a small dark room and i turn around to see Duncan this time, good. "Hey princess" He smirks before leaning in and we quickly start making out, he pulls me onto his lap and i wrap my hands around his neck, leaning into the kiss more, tasting all the alcohol he had drank before i quickly pull away, "Duncan, i need to tell you something" I say quickly as his smirk fades and he looking concerned, "Justin has been acting really weird with me, i was with him i thought it was you because he came up behind me but he put his hands on me, when i turned around i realised it wasn't you and i got away from him but i just needed to tell you that's all" i say as his eyes lit up with rage before he gets up and walks out of the small dark room, leaving me sat there. i quickly get up and start looking around from him, taking i mouthful from my cup before i hear yelling through the music. "What the fuck are you playing at!?" Duncan yells, getting in Justin's face, "hey man, she's lying i swear!" Justin yells as i start to get annoyed, "you calling her a liar now too?!" Duncan yells, shoving Justin back, "Dude nothing happened!" Justin yells backing up as Duncan came closer before punching him in the eye as Justin jumps back, hand over his eye and wincing. "i didn't even kiss her it's not a big deal bro!" Justin yells as Duncan starts to burn from anger before punching him again, over and over until DJ and Trent pulled him off. "Dude chill out" Trent says while having an arm on Duncan's back as Justin clutched his now bloody face, "Go near her again i fucking dare you" Duncan yells as Justin glares at me before pushing through the small crowd before Trent walks Duncan over, "what's going on?" Trent asks, "Justin kept being touchy with me" I say as Trent sighs, "He's a fucking idiot" Trent laughs as i giggle and Duncan wraps his arm around my waist, "I fucking told you that's too short" Duncan glares at me, "what? you don't like it?" i smirk as he does the same, "you think my cabins empty?" He smirks as i blush bright red and we both head outside and start walking back towards the cabin, having a cigarette on your way. We arrive at the cabin and it was empty so me and Duncan quickly smash our lips onto each others and fall onto his bunk, "god princess, your so gorgeous" he smirks before trailing along my collarbone with small kisses while running his hands up my waist. he tugs on my shirt softly, asking permission and i nod as he takes mine and his shirt off and continue kissing, i run my hands along his abs, feeling them as he pulls away from the kiss, "i love you" He whispers before trailing down my neck and sucking down hard as i let out a soft sigh before he grabs my hips and grinds me against him before tugging at my waistband and i nod

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